Why You Can’t Get To Sleep And How To Handle Insomnia

Jul 16, 2018

Nearly 15 percent of the people in the world deal with some form of insomnia. You need approximately 8 hours of shuteye each night in order to function properly. Recent studies have made determinations about the causes of insomnia and introduced solutions to help you remedy this common issue. Multiple tips and suggestions are listed here to assist you in the battle against insomnia. By following these useful recommendations, you may be able to obtain that peaceful rest you have been searching for. First, here are some of the causes of insomnia.

1. Multiple Sclerosis


A study that was performed at the University of California discovered an extreme correlation between multiple sclerosis and insomnia. More than 2300 people with multiple sclerosis participated in the study, and about 70 percent of those people reported that they had trouble sleeping. In addition to constantly feeling tired, these people cannot fall asleep for a period of at least 30 minutes. This leads to the cycle of constantly having to take pills or other medications to combat the illness.


2. Stress


Stress is all too common of a problem in today’s world, and it can lead to some negative outcomes. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine carried out a study that showed a link between higher stress levels and trouble sleeping. Someone who is always under stress can easily become a chronic insomniac.

3. Energy Drinks


The last few years have brought on some major uncoverings about energy drinks. A recent 4-year study that occurred at Camilo José Cela University took into account the various effects of energy drinks on the human body. While participants claimed to feel more proactive, they also experienced higher levels of insomnia and anxiety. This is due to the high caffeine content.

4. Asthma


A study at the University of Pittsburgh proved that insomnia is quite common in adults who suffer from asthma. People who have asthma have a much harder time coping with the effects of insomnia and are much likely to experience mental setbacks such as depression.

5. Stroke


Scientists at the University of Surrey concluded that people who have suffered from one or more struck are much likely to experience insomnia. A stroke brings on increased levels of psychological strain, instability, and discomfort. These factors can easily affect the sleep cycle as well, making it difficult to get those 8 hours.

6. Alcohol


Nearly 5000 adults recently participated in a study at Johns Hopkins University. The participants were asked to make various statements about their alcohol consumption in the past 3 months. The study used the information to make estimated calculations about how many days these people drank alcohol. The results showed that people who drank more than twice a week were far more likely to experience trouble sleeping.

7. Menopause


Women tend to have more sleeping problems than men. A study that occurred at Pennsylvania State University showed that, during menopause, sleeping is several times more difficult. In fact, over one-third of the thousands of participants suffered from insomnia.

8. Weak Immune System


Dr. Mallon of the University of Leicester was able to uncover a link between the immune system and sleep disorders. According to the study, it is a misconception that people sleep more when they are sick. In addition, the study showed that is quite common for someone with a physical illness to experience insomnia.

9. Watching Television


Hundreds of people recently came together to participate in a study at the University of Michigan. Each participant took an online survey that assessed the connection between binge-watching and sleep disorders. The extreme focus people use to binge-watch television shows can lead to higher levels of needed rest.

Now, here are some solutions to insomnia.

1. Yoga


The Group Research Institute in Seattle took a look at the effects of yoga on sleep. Results showed that yoga tends to increase the quality of sleep and decrease depression. Yoga is also a helpful tool for women going through menopause.

2. Herbs


Recently, Robert Roundtree explained that there a number of herbs that can serve as sleep aids. Natural herbs such as wort, valerian, hops, and chamomile are examples. This is a great approach because it is natural and safe.

3. Cherry Juice


Strangely enough, Louisiana State University scholars found that drinking cherry juice can help you get to sleep at night. Drinking it twice a day for two weeks was shown to enhance the quality of sleep in adults.

4. Light Therapy


Grace Dean of the University of Buffalo showed us that light has a notable impact on the stability of the sleep cycle. An extremely large or minuscule amount of light can have negative effects. This study used glasses with built-in lamps as alternatives to giant light cubes.

5. Meditating


A few years back in Los Angeles, David Black conducted a clinical trial at the University of Southern California to test the effects of meditation on sleep. The results indicated that mindful meditation can have a beneficial impact on the quality of a night’s sleep.

6. Amber-tinted Glasses


Glasses that are tinted in this manner alter the light exposure that a person receives. Columbia University Medical Center researchers looked into this to see how the glasses could affect sleep. The study indicated that wearing the glasses helps with insomnia and also brings down arterial pressure.

7. A Proper Sleeping Position


Certain sleeping positions tend to provide more benefits than others. Sleeping on your side is known to be a healthy position. Doing so allows for adequate spleen function and proper digestion, helping you throughout the night.

As you can see, there are several measures you can take as potential remedies for insomnia. Be sure to show this list to your loved ones so they can equip themselves with these useful tools too.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!