Why We Need One Day Of Rest Per Week Again

Dec 11, 2018

Most doctors say that you need a certain amount of rest in order to maintain your good health.

Benjamin Franklin believed that a man who takes time to rest is greater than a man who conquers cities.


Resting is an essential part of life. If you are sleep-deprived, your body cannot repair itself properly. So, rest and give your body time to do its work. Professional athletes often tout the benefits of rest during physical training periods.

They understand that your body requires time to build and repair muscle tissues. They need large amounts of rest to make sure they don't injure themselves unnecessarily.

Most of us aren't famous athletes, but we still need adequate amounts of rest. Our days are still filled with physical activities such as walking, bending, lifting, and much more. So, we need to allow time for our bodies to rest and regenerate.


Well-known philosophers of the past also recommended rest for a healthy mind. Leonardo DaVinci believed that taking rest and relaxation periods would increase his mind's vitality. His artwork is a fine example of this.

Ovid was a famous Roman poet. He claimed that a bountiful crop always resulted from a well-rested field. Plus, most spiritual leaders explain the advantages of a soul that rests. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Wicca, Islam, Buddhism, and many others set aside specific days for resting. Life can be hard. Your soul needs time to rest and recharge.

More corporations are catching on to this ultimate truth. Religious leaders, corporations, philosophers, poets, artists, athletes, and doctors all have similar opinions on this subject. Rest should be a top priority in a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


However, most of modern society claims that they are too busy to rest and relax. The glorification of busy can have a tremendous impact on your body and mind. Many people cannot even make time for a full day of rest. 

The stressful demands of our culture cause a great deal of worry. Bills, work, family, and other responsibilities are heavy burdens to escape from. It feels like the to-do list is endless. People believe that resting is a waste of time in this frantic world.

As a result, your hectic lifestyle may be hindering the quality of your life. Our minds, bodies, and souls are being crushed under the weight of it. No matter how much you push yourself, it still feels like you can't get ahead. 

This is because our lives have fallen out of balance. Our journey towards endless productivity has caused us to forget about the simple act of resting. If you get back into this essential healing practice, there are a few benefits you will see.

Emergency Responses


Nobody is safe from life's emergencies. Everyone faces a crisis at some point. If you begin the practice of resting once a week, you will have enough energy stored up for emergency situations. During those periods of stress, rest isn't an easy option. Building a reliable practice of resting requires attention from both your inner and outer worlds. Follow these steps while building your habit.



Your mind is a muscle that needs time to regenerate just as much as the other muscles in your physical body. When you rest your mind, it rejuvenates itself. As a result, you will work smarter instead of harder.

A Balanced Life


Set aside one day per week to balance your life. This gives you a chance to focus on your personal life instead of your career. It creates time that you can use to practice your favorite hobbies or spend time with loved ones.

Time to Reflect


It's hard to focus on your thoughts and feelings when you're busy. Thoughts become jumbled and blurry. Periods of relaxation can allow you to observe your life with fresh eyes.

Stronger Relationships


When you make time to relax with your significant other, your bond deepens. This is because there is time for long conversations that build trust and strengthen the relationship from within.

Reduced Stress


Stress is the result of feeling extremely overwhelmed. You may feel stressed if you don't have the right resources to deal with a certain issue. Long periods of rest help to decrease stress in a couple of ways. Firstly, resting allows you to depart from the situation. You don't feel worried if you can separate yourself from unfinished business. Lastly, taking time to rest replenishes our energy stores. As a result, you'll feel more energized and be ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Healthy Body


You only get one body. Eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and stopping harmful habits are all great ways to stay healthy. However, they don't mean much if you don't take time to rest your body. The air you breathe is an essential part of staying alive. Rest and relaxation are equally as important.

1. Ignore Society's Shallow Influences


If you take time to rest in a results-driven culture, people may think you live some sort of alternative life. Some people go as far as saying that resting is a sign of weakness. This is a distorted view of the world, so it's best to ignore the naysayers.

The lives we create can only be appreciated when we take time to observe them. No matter what you do, it doesn't mean much if you don't make time to enjoy it. So, make sure to get enough rest every week. It will help you reclaim your peace and happiness.

2. Stay Out of Debt


This may seem like it’s easier said than done. However, it is much more difficult to rest if you're in debt. The burden is always waiting in the back of your mind. So, make sure to live within your means. If you're in debt, try to get out of it as quickly as you can.

3. Make it a Family Affair


Consciously resting is easier when the whole family is involved. Plus, it makes for a more peaceful home. Begin this practice as soon as possible. It gets harder if you wait until your children are older.

4. Live Simply


Focus on your inner world more often. Your possessions and social status do not define you. There will always be housework, yard work, and other chores to do. Make sure to make time to rest before you exhaust yourself.

5. Be Responsible


Your life may be full of chores and excessive demands. However, don't think of yourself as a victim. Accept the fact that everything in your life reflects what you allow. Try to stop making excuses. Changing your habits is up to you.

6. Make a Plan


Set your intentions. Planning to rest once per week is the only way that you will get results. So, mark your calendar. You may even prefer to plan a few relaxing activities that will enrich your creativity and relationships.

7. Become Content


Unrest is caused by the belief that your life should be better. Our society constantly drives us to be better than we are. If you're busy striving for more money and power, you will have a hard time resting properly. Quit focusing on the things you don't like about your life. Instead, try being grateful for what you already have. This will make you feel more content. As a result, you will rest easy.

Would you try this practice? Pass it on for someone who needs it as well.