Why We All Need To Stop Buying Store-Brand Almond Milk Right Now

Jun 12, 2018

We have all heard of the many health benefits of almonds. They are a very rich source of healthy fats, antioxidants, protein and more. Adding them to your diet as much as possible will provide your body with energy and health benefits. However, the milk variant using almonds is not quite as healthy as many people believe it to be. 

When you purchase a store brand almond milk, you are buying a product that is full of additives, sweeteners, and water. Unfortunately, the average carton of almond milk only has a handful of actual almonds in it. 


A brand of United Kingdom almond milk was recently found to only have two percent of almonds in the carton. The rest was just a lot of water, added sweeteners, A, D, and E vitamins, and carrageenan. Carrageenan is a thickening agent. 

Because of the little amount of actual almonds to get the nutrients from the carton you would actually have to drink the whole thing in one day. A cup of almond milk has just 30 calories while there are 160 calories in one serving of almonds. Not only that, almond milk costs around $4.00 per half a gallon. 

But these facts are not usually released to the public. Why? Because almond milk is supposed to be that much better for you. Plus, sales are high. 

One company reported that their sales of almond milk increased 50 percent in their very first quarter in 2014. Using these figures, you can see that the almond milk industry is expected to net around 1.7 billion dollars in sales this year. 

Many people have also reported that the common thickener in almond milk, carrageenan, has caused inflammation in their digestive tract. 

Because of these problems, we would like our readers to quit buying almond milk at the store and instead make their own at home. You can add as many almonds as you want while avoiding all of the additives and sweeteners. 

Preparing homemade almond milk is super easy, as well. You only need to soak raw, organic almonds overnight in water. Then, use a heavy duty blender and blend them in three cups of water. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour into a mason jar. This mixture will keep up to three days in your refrigerator. 

Do you have any suggestions for homemade almond milk? Show this to an almond milk-loving friend who needs to hear this today!