Why It Is Time To Bring Back Sunday Family Dinners

Aug 19, 2019

When many of us were growing up, sitting at the dinner table as a family was an important and normal part of the day. You likely were called down to dinner around the same time every day after school to sit and talk about what happened throughout the school or workday. Sunday dinner days were also pretty common for most families. So what happened? Why do many families neglect family dinners so much?


Many families insist that they simply cannot get everyone together anymore to have a sit-down dinner. They chalk up the problem to not having enough time. With so many kids in sports and other activities, it can definitely be hard to get everyone together at a designated time for dinner.



However, having a designated family time at least once a week is very important. Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, a parenting expert and psychologist, has talked to NBC News about the importance of having designated family time that includes a family dinner together. She stated that a family that sits down and eats together will thrive.

She also added that when you are able to get more family time together you can create an even stronger family unit.


Another family therapist, Anne Fishel, has also provided her opinion on family mealtimes. As a co-founder of The Family Dinner Project, a non-profit initiative that encourages family dinners, stated that younger kids learn bigger vocabularies from being around older adults at the dinner table. In an interview with NBC News, she also said that older kids typically do better in school when family dinners are part of their ritual.


But that isn’t all. According to Fishel, there are actual physical benefits to eating as a family, such as lower obesity rates and better cardiovascular health. Children are also less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other behavioral problems if they frequently have family dinners together. The benefits are well-worth the effort!

Fishel mentioned that it actually doesn’t matter what you are eating for dinner. It is the close communal environment that a family dinner creates that makes a huge difference. A warm and inviting atmosphere is very important at the dinner table. Kids need to know that they can talk freely about their problems and concerns and that someone is always there to listen.


All families should set aside time to get together and share experiences about their day. We know how hard it can be to find the time, but it is important as a family. You’ll realize just how much your family thrives from it once you start enjoying the time together.

Learn more about the importance of getting together with your family in the video below:

What do you think about the idea of reviving the old tradition of family dinners? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to pass this article along to others – especially your friends and family.