Why I Don't Have Kids: Bad Bean Bag Babies Edition

May 17, 2019

Ellen has shown her love for kids on her TV show on numerous occasions, but she has confessed that having some of her own isn’t in her plans. I think deep down we want to share the same sentiments as Ellen and shortly we will know why!

In her show, Ellen has a fun segment known as “Why I Don’t Have Kids” that is dedicated to highlighting why the TV host insists on not having children and keeping life simple. Most of the show's segment gives her fans the time to showcase some of their kids’ messy behaviors and actions that make parents go nuts.

Ellen stated that kids are adorable, but in the upcoming part of the show were some of the reasons why she won’t have any. She then sang along to the segment's intro song, Taylor Swift’s hit “I Knew You Were Trouble.”


The first one was Haley from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma who sent a picture of her son standing next to a TV set wearing a black t-shirt stating “I AM WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.” Hilariously, Haley explained that he pulled down the TV’s cord bringing down the entire thing.

The second came from Teia hailing from Lincoln, Nebraska, who posted a picture of her two kids all covered in bean bag fillings. The first one looking totally innocent after tearing the bean bag open while her younger sibling was captured inside the bean bag red-handed.

And the highlight of all the stories was from Zany all the way from New Zealand. You will crack up when you see Zany’s twins in the kitchen and on the floor, with more than 50 broken eggs scattered around them. The aftermath is hilarious yet can be annoying when you imagine all the mess.

Ellen had to joke and asked who has those many eggs. She continued to probe Zany about the number of eggs asking how far out in New Zealand does she live to stock up on so many, or if she reared chickens in the house.

Ellen DeGeneres left the audience in stitches like she always does. She concluded with Bridget from New York whose daughter got her hands on the French onion dip and used it pretty well to her satisfaction.

Watch the video below to see all of the silly adventures these little angels got into.

Kids are undeniably adorable, but these messy periods would make you think twice about having them. What do you think about this edition of “Why I don’t have kids: Bean bag babies”? Let us know!