Whoopi Goldberg Talks About Grieving Her Mother 9 Years After Her Passing

Oct 17, 2019

No matter how old you get, dealing with the death of someone you love is always hard to accept. Perhaps the toughest of all is dealing with the death of a parent. Actress Whoopi Goldberg faced this truth when her mother, Emma Johnson, had a stroke and passed away in 2010.

Even though Whoopi was shocked and saddened by her mother's passing, she was also comforted by the thought that she had told her mom how much she loved and admired her while she was alive. While appearing on the TV show "Oprah's Master Class," Whoopi shared her feelings and realizations she had after her mother's passing. 


Despite the fact that she was an independent adult at the time of her mom's death, Whoopi found that she had been depending on her mother more than she realized.  The actress recounts, "I used to talk to her every day. I’m still in the habit of talking to her, you know, but I just wish she were here with me." 

"I realized a couple of days after she passed that no one would ever love me like that again. I wouldn’t put that kind of sparkle in anybody’s eye, you know? And you kind of know that person, those are your first loves. Those are the first people you tell your secrets to. Those are the people who hold you when it’s scary. That’s a big deal. So that, that I felt,"  she said

She recounted that, even as the thought entered her mind, she knew her mom would challenge that assertion and remind her of all the people in her life who also loved her.

Although the loss of her mother's unconditional love shook Whoopi to the core, she grew even closer to her brother Clyde as they both struggled to cope with the loss according to the Daily Mail. 

Sadly, Whoopi's brother passed away just five years after her mother when he suffered a brain aneurysm. While Whoopi continues to miss her mom and brother daily, she is grateful for the life they shared together.

Losing the people we love is never easy. Send this story of strength in the face of loss to someone you know who needs a reminder that those we love are always with us in our hearts. Did you have a similar realization after a loved one's death to what Whoopi experienced? Tell us below.