White German Shepherd Adopts Newborn Pygmy Goat & They Come To Be Best Friends

Oct 25, 2021

Canines have long been regarded as man's most loyal companion. All pet owners know that having a dog is one of the greatest experiences in life — from the way they show their unconditional love to how playful dogs can be, there is no better friend a person can have. It is likely that Millennials are choosing to have pets over kids for this reason; the relative joy of having a dog as well as the major decline in stress makes a dog an ideal companion. 

Dogs have shown themselves to become companions with other animals as well. Though the legendary rivalry between cats and dogs have entertained audiences for decades, but interestingly, cats and dogs can get along really well and be great companions. Dogs have also shown themselves to be incredible companions to even wild animals like cheetahs as well! So it is no wonder when a sweet dog befriends a domestic animal like a pygmy goat. 

Shadow the German Shephard showed that she has quite the motherly instincts when it came to another species. Even though she no longer has the ability to have her own puppies, she treated this pygmy goat like her own. Shadow's owner captured all of the cute moments of cuddling between shadow and the little goat, in this video from 2014, and it has surely warmed the hearts of everyone who has watched it. Time and again, dogs come to the rescue for humans, be it in real life or in reel life! Read on to learn more about this beautiful friendship. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Unusual animal friendships are always something that people love to see. As humans, we may not think that friendships can go past the lines of species in animals, but more often than not, we are surprised by the gentleness and love that animals show each other. 

This video shows a German Shepherd protecting a newborn pygmy goat as the adorable baby goat rests up against her new friend. From the looks of it, Shadow, the German Shepherd loves this tiny cute goat right back! Shadow's quiet love for the pygmy goat shines through as she lets her cuddle next to her. The description section of the video also details how sweet this friendship is between the two animals.

According to Rural Living Today, pygmy goats are one of the most productive and hardiest goat breeds. "In addition to making lovable pets, they provide milk rich in high-fat content. Pygmy goats are a hardy but docile breed, very much capable of adapting to varying climates."

Part of the description states, "According to her owner, Shadow takes care of the adorable goat as if it were one of her puppies! Talk about maternal instinct!"

It is clear by watching the video that Shadow has let her maternal instincts come out with this baby goat and the feeling of love was mutual with the goat. The pygmy goat also had a strong connection with Shadow. 

Shadow also cares for the little goat just like many dogs do to their own young puppies by licking her. The video may be very short, but the love truly does shine through. Videos like this also show how amazing the German Shepherd breed can be! 


According to American Kennel Club, German shepherds are ranked in the top 10 most popular dog breeds consistently for the last few decades. The breed was initially known as the Deutsche Schaferhund, hailing from its namesake Germany.

The dogs were established by Captain Max von Stephanitz, who wanted to develop a breed that would be known for loyalty, confidence, intelligence, and courage. He believed that beauty came secondary to the dog's utility, temperament, and intelligence. Through his work, the incredible German shepherd has become one of the best dog breeds to own, especially for families. 

Due to their highly developed sense of smell, German shepherds rank almost at the top for their scenting skills. It is no wonder that they are used by the police for search and rescue missions, tracking, bomb detection, and drug sniffing. Moreover, these dogs are also extremely smart and can learn new behaviors very quickly.

They have a unique desire to cooperate and work with humans, which puts the breed near the top of the list in the category of "Obedience" in dogs. Most importantly, German shepherds are extremely versatile in what they can do for humans: they can excel in sports, therapy work, as well as police-related jobs. 

For a family, a German shepherd might be an excellent dog to have at home. The breed is known to be gentle, making them an excellent choice for children, and though they may be a little slow to warm up to strangers, they are extremely loving with their families. Moreover, they require constant companionship, which means that they would rather spend time with you than be alone as this brings out the best aspects of their personality. Shadow certainly loves her little pygmy goat companion! 

Have you ever seen an animal have their maternal instinct kick in such an adorable way? Let us know your experiences—and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family as well! 

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