Imagine Crossing A Dog, Cat, And Dolphin — You End Up With An Unusual Fox

Jul 08, 2020

Djinn is a fennec fox who has become an internet celebrity. In this particular clip taken on July 7, 2019, Djinn is seen out on a coffee run with his human buddies.

You really won't believe it, but this animal has all the characteristics of a dolphin, cat, and dog combined.

When you look at him, the animal has all the characteristics of a dog. At the same time, he has some looks that make him similar to a cat. What may differentiate it from these animals is his extraordinarily large ears and fluffy tail.

Looking at his video, you can't help but fall in love with this fennec fox. He comes out as the perfect pet to have at home. So far, this vulpine pal has drawn so much attention for his one-of-a-kind home video.

According to National Geographic, fennec foxes have adorable long, thick, and soft coats that range in color from almost white to light fawn to reddish cream.

While their undersides are invariably pure white, their tails have black tips and are very bushy.

Their coats are long, soft, and thick and range in color from reddish cream to light fawn to almost white. Their undersides are pure white, and their tails are bushy with black tips. If you look carefully, you'll notice that Djinn's paws are heavily furred.

This provides him with traction when he's running and also protects him from extreme heat. It is easy to tell that this animal is full of energy, as he is very playful. You might be forgiven to believe he's restless, but that's isn't the case; the animal is just having a good time.

In this video, in particular, you can see this fennec fox having a great time out with his human friends. It appears as someone had just moved out to enjoy the rays of the sun, leaving behind some caffeine in a glass.

The animal moves around and licks the caffeine. Whether or not he enjoys it, no one knows. But it's worth mentioning that fennec foxes can stay for long without taking water.

They usually get water from the foods they eat — they are adapted to desert life. It is no wonder they have thick fur to help with insulation during cold nights, and sandy coloration helps in reflecting heat.

If you look at this fennec fox, you may mistake him for a playful, active kitten or puppy. And when in his crib, you'll him trying to "swim" like a dolphin. It's good to remember that, even though a fennec fox can be domesticated, he still has wild instincts.

That explains why he's not very cuddly with humans, as you would see in cats or dogs. And being that Djinn is a prey animal, he can get startled easily and is rather skittish.

That notwithstanding, you can see how Djinn can get so playful, giggling, and wagging his tail consistently. He seems so excited, and from the look of things, he can be a good companion.

Being that he's naturally nocturnal, he will be more playful at night, and it will be hard to cope with his high energy level at night when you are supposed to be sleeping. It will require you to provide him with enough activities and space to keep him healthy, happy, and busy.

 Djinn is a drop-dead gorgeous and friendly animal making him a fitting substitute for a dog or a cat. Why not let your friends know about him?