When You Are In Love, You Look Beyond Their Flaws

Oct 05, 2018

Loving someone is the best feeling in the world. However, when you love someone, you need to love them for who they are, not who you want them to be. People are who they are, and you should respect that. There are many facets to everyone’s personality and to truly love someone, you need to understand and accept any flaws. You should not be in a relationship where you want to fix someone.


When you love someone, you should not try to change them. Sometimes people need help understanding their own actions, and that is okay. What is not okay is that the person is made to feel bad about their feelings and actions. If you cannot accept their flaws and insecurities, you should not be in the relationship.



However, just because you should love someone for who they are does not mean they should be allowed to treat you poorly. There is no excuse for abuse, whether physical or psychological. If this is happening, you should leave the relationship. The person has fundamental changes they need to make to be deserving of your love. You cannot fix unacceptable behavior and need to remove yourself from the situation.


Life is messy, and you should not expect love to be perfect. Love involves respect for one another and accepting the baggage that comes along with it. If you are in a healthy relationship, then it is okay to work on issues. Some people come with fears and issues that may cause them to act out. When this happens, you need to love and support them. You need to help them get professional help, if needed.


However, when the love is reciprocal, you should be able to work out your problems. You should be able to understand why someone might lash out. You should be able to understand that the person is not mad at you, but they might be in pain.


Communication helps in this area. If you have healthy communication, you can understand each other. You can help each other. Your experiences are different from the experiences of your loved one. You need to understand this. Being different does not mean they are wrong.


When you love someone, you do not make them feel bad about having trust issues or other issues. You need to understand them and help them deal with it. This will bring you closer. The love you have for each other should be based on mutual respect. You need to feel comfortable talking about issues and problems. Secrets are not good.

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Everyone has issues, and everyone brings baggage into a relationship. It is how you deal with it that make a successful relationship. You reassure them. You give them a foundation of trust and support, so they can work on themselves. You take in feedback, so you know what things you might need to work on.


When you love someone, you work together. You work with each other, not against them. You do not throw things in their face when things become contentious, which will inevitably happen. You help each other. You support each other. You accept them. And, they accept you.


Love means that your help and support each other. The help and support cannot just go in one direction. Both people need to do this. The relationship cannot be just about one person. If you find yourself always focusing on the other person, you may need to re-evaluate the relationship. Because that is not healthy or fair. Both people have baggage, not just one. You need to be a team. And if you do not have a voice, you are not a team.

If you believe in love, let us know. If you believe love is messy, let us know. If you believe that love includes working on problems together, let us know. Your opinion can be an insight for others as to what real love is.