When This Pup's Cancer Returned, His Loving Family Helped Him Get Around Town So He Could Be Loved By All

May 08, 2019

Joey Maxwell recalls eight years ago like it was yesterday when they were looking for an animal to adopt. They came across a Golden Retriever that had shed its weight to bones. Maverick was the dog’s name. The couple went home with a dog they learned to love and cherish for six years until they received devastating news. Maverick was diagnosed with lymphoma two years ago.

The loving owners decided to fight by Maverick through all his chemotherapy treatments. The treatments can be hard on anyone let alone a dog. Maverick, strong as he was couldn’t stand the harsh side effects of the treatments. Lucky for him, he had caring and loving owners who stood by him every step of the way.


After fighting off the deadly disease, it recurred just two months after he had begun recovering. The Maxwell’s were not ready for his departure and started preparing for a smooth transition.

Since Maverick was too weak to walk on his own, Joel got him a wagon that he would use to carry and push him to his favorite spots in town.

Even in his wagon, covered in a fleece blanket, Maverick still had the strength to socialize with other people. Joel’s kind gesture has received a lot of attention and praise for his caring nature towards the dog.

You wouldn’t ignore a man pushing a sickly dog in his bed across the mall. People come forward in good faith to encourage Joey and his family as they walk through this challenging phase.

On an interview with CBS News, Maxwell says that his dog is ever barking on seeing people. Maverick feels the love from people trying to comfort Joey and responds in his own unique way.

While Joey began taking Maverick out as a way to spend his last days in freedom and excitement, he has been reacting outstandingly. The dog can now sit on its own which could be a great sign. If he continues that way, he might soon be on his feet contrary to how the disease affects him.

The dog continues to recuperate while fighting off the disease. Does this story leave you in “aww”? Spread the story and let Maverick continue receiving love. He could be healing from it.