What Makes A Woman Leave A Man She Loves: All Men Should Know This

Aug 08, 2018

Men may think that if their wife or girlfriend loves them, that means she will never leave them. However, that is not the case. Often, women fall in love with men for the wrong reasons. Then, their self-respect improves and they realize where they have gone wrong. Below are 12 of the signs that a woman may eventually leave a man she loves.

No Common Interests


There's a saying that opposites attract, but usually for a relationship to remain strong, there need to at least be some common interests. In some cases, a relationship may have started because of common interests, but the two people grew in a different direction. In other cases, the man may change. For example, one woman left her partner when he began to criticize everything about her instead of loving those things about her as he once did.


No Communication


Women want to be listened to. When men cannot be there physically, they need to stay in contact. They also need to be mentally tuned in to what their partner is saying. They should participate in conversation in a genuine give and take of ideas.

No Physical Intimacy


It's a myth that women don't need sex just as much as men do. If a man does not seem to want to have sex with his girlfriend, she will begin to feel unwanted. People who are in love want to engage in physical intimacy, and while lust doesn't last forever, that doesn't mean that the desire for intimacy goes away.

Too Much Selfishness


Women expect to be treated as a priority. For a while, they might put up with men who act as though they want to be left alone, but eventually, they will have had enough. Women are practical and won't try forever to hold onto a man who doesn't seem to want to be with them.

Too Much Insecurity


Insecurity in a man is not an attractive quality. Men who snoop and grill their girlfriends will eventually turn them off. Trust accompanies love, and if a man truly loves a woman, he will trust her.



Lying to someone is no way to maintain a relationship. Worse, one lie leads to others because it's necessary to shore up the big lie with smaller lies. It's better to just be honest even when it is difficult.

Lack of Space


Everybody needs some alone time and some time with friends. Women break up with men who don't give them any space. Giving a woman the space she needs is a sign of trust and respect, and it's necessary for her mental health and the health of the relationship.

No Emotional Availability


Some men think they treat the women in their lives right because they spend time with them or even take them to nice dinners. But if the men are closed off emotionally during these times, women get tired of it. Men need to allow themselves to be open and vulnerable or they will eventually be too distant to repair the relationship.

Wanting Her to Be Different


Some men fall in love with a woman and have the goal of changing her to make her just right. They aren't in love at all, they are just in love with the idea they've created in their heads. A woman deserves to be loved and accepted for who she is.

Too Little Time


Plenty of people are busy, but men who are always too busy to spend time with their girlfriend are sending the signal that she doesn't matter. She will understand if there are certain crunch times, but men who cannot be there to support their girlfriend through the hard times and celebrate the good ones will soon be alone again.

Too Much Comparing


One of the worst things a man can do is compare his wife or girlfriend unfavorably to another woman, especially an ex-girlfriend. People shouldn't be compared in the first place. Everyone is unique, and everyone has their own strengths. Complaining that a woman is not like another woman in some way shows her that she is not loved for who she is.

Not Enough Appreciation


It's the little things that matter more than the big things, and women expect to be shown appreciation for those things. People who are able to appreciate the small things in life are better to be around and are not materialistic, and men should demonstrate this to women.

Do you agree with these points? Women, comment below and say what has caused you to leave men you loved.