What Happens Immediately After You Quit Smoking

Apr 26, 2018

Quitting isn't easy, but after you read this timeline of how your body heals, you'll be inspired to change.

The Moment After You Quit

Nicotine is a drug and addictions can feel impossible to cure. Around 70% of smokers say they want to quit, but less than 10% actually do. Here are some reasons to remind yourself that the struggle is definitely worth it!



The Timeline After Quitting Smoking

20 minutes after your last cigarette: your circulation improves and your blood pressure returns to a healthy level.

8 hours after your last cigarette: The level of poisonous carbon monoxide flowing through your blood will be halved. The increased oxygen levels will help remove bacteria and toxins from your body.

48 hours later: Heart attack risk drops substantially. You're over the hump since nicotine will be completely out of your system. You should be able to taste and smell better.

3 days later: You can breathe much easier and deeper now. Your energy and mood should increase.

3-9 months into recovery: The fibers in your bronchial tubes are regrowing which means much less congestion, coughing, and mucus issues.

1 year later: Your energy has finally been restored to a non-smoker and your risk of a heart attack is halved.

5 years post-smoking: Your stroke risks are down to that of a non-smoker.

10 years post-smoking: The dozens of cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes will be mostly removed from your body, which means your risk of developing cancer is much lower. In fact, your risk of lung cancer is now equivalent to someone who has never smoked!

15 years post-smoking: Your risk of a heart attack is now the same as someone who has never smoked.

You can beat the odds and take charge of your life again. With the right support and motivation, you can turn this bad habit into a thing of the past. Raise awareness of the health benefits in this article to save lives!