What Does The Length Of Your Fingers Say About You?

As it turns out, finger length can provide a major hint into your specific type of personality. It doesn't take much, simply put your left hand up and compare the lengths of your middle, ring, and index fingers and see if your personality matches!

1) Take A Look At Your Left Hand And See Which Matches The Most Closely!

Your left hand is the hand you'll be using; take a look and see which matches!!

2) A) The Most Self-Centered: Low-Middle-High
Looking Out For Number One: Low-Middle-High
Low-Middle-High: The Self Centered Tendency

If you have this type of finger length combination, you are number one and your priorities are most important to you. As a result, you always take control of your personal life and are very focused, and it's not easy to derail you. You effectively set goals that you want to accomplish, and you're a real go-getter. When you find something you like, you focus all of time and yourself into getting it. In fact, you may even focus so much that you forget about the little things – like breathing. With this type of laser-focus, you're unstoppable when you have taken an interest. When you're criticized, you have a tendency to take it harder than others, but take this with a grain of salt; criticism can be constructive and can help you grow via the insight it provides!

3) B) The Team Player: Middle-Middle-High
Works Well With Others: Middle-Middle-High

Middle-Middle-High: Team-Centered

You're the glue that holds everyone together; people depend on you, and you're flexible too. You're very popular; your friends never neglect to show you love, and you love them back. As a rule, you avoid conflict and bask in peaceful situations. You're a great mediator, and have the ability to help people reach a middle ground. You're inclined to hear both sides of an argument, and you have a great intuition about the motivations of others. Never be afraid to speak up, even if it brings conflict – fighting for what you believe in is important. People value what you have to say!

4) C) The Most Competitive: High-Middle-High
You Love To Compete: High-Middle-High
High-Middle-High: Keep It Competitive

When your fingers are oriented this way, you are very motivated and highly competitive. You have a tendency to be busy a lot and may be a bit too ambitious. You're also very inclined to adventure and risk taking isn't really an issue for you. You're right there at the edge of things always exploring and discovering. As a result, you are very optimistic, confident, and have no problems making decisions; you are well-equipped to leadership. Losing really galls you and second place simple won't do it. That being said, take lessons from your losses; they'll make you a better competitor! You can't win them all!

5) D) The Need For Stableness: Low-Middle-Low
You Value Stability: Low-Middle-Low
Low-Middle-Low: A Love of Stability

When you experience life's situations, you prefer a high level of order, consistency, and tranquility. In your day to day life, you tend to be calmer and gentler in your personality, and you have a tendency to prefer a sense of safety in your comfort zone. There are few as calm and collected as you; new changes aren't your favorite type of experience, but you always make sure to see every endeavor through to its completion almost effortlessly. You take things at your own pace, and when new things appear, you will start to feel unsettled and anxious. For you, the familiar is always preferred, so you tend to stick to the most familiar surroundings that you can find. Just don't forget that sometimes it's advantageous to take risks in life; you never know what kinds of rewards you can reap! It's important to always consider that even our favorite things in life were once alien to us.

6) E) The Selfless Type: Middle-Middle-Low
You're There For Others: Middle-Middle-Low
Middle-Middle-Low: The Most Selfless

If you have this type of finger length combination, you have a heart that has room for everyone and everything. As a rule, you have a tendency to put others before your own personal needs. As a result, you have one of the most easygoing of natures, and you'll get along with just about everyone you meet in life. Sometimes, you may come off as a bit bashful and introverted when dealing with new people. While you might not undertake every situation as a leader, you still have a tendency to lead others without the need of a title or any of the benefits of the office. You have a tendency to lead others by example, and as a result, you're very highly regarded by your peers, coworkers, family, and friends. In fact, it's your tendency to be kind and generous that sets you aside from others, and it's this trait that is most memorable and appreciated. Keep in mind that you sometimes need to look after numero uno! Keep yourself a priority from time to time and take the time to treat yourself!

7) F) Those With An Independent Streak: High-Middle-Low
You're Self-Reliant: High-Middle-Low
High-Middle-Low: You're Ruggedly Independent

When a problem creeps up, you prefer to deal with it head-on and alone. In fact, this is how you work best; you don't really enjoy asking others for help when you can do it by yourself. You have a high degree of internal discipline, and you always set goals and objectives for yourself to accomplish. With these goals in mind, you are always an unconventional and original thinker; as a result, you really appear to others as a real stand-out individual! You never concern yourself with how people see you and the reassurances of those around you don't have a lot of value to you because you value your own autonomy. With your type of personality, don't always try to go it alone – sometimes, you just need help from others. Remember, even the people at the top rely on others sometimes!

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