Well-Mannered Dachshund Wipes Her Wet Paws Before Entering Back Inside

Jul 05, 2020

Dixie, a four-year-old standard smooth-haired Dachshund shows how she wipes her wet feet before coming back inside the house.

Much like children, many dogs love to go outside and play in the dirt and the mud. Especially when it means they get the chance to follow their owners around the yard. Dogs, after all, are loyal, considering themselves the protectors of the household. It's their sworn duty to follow their owners wherever they go. It's even more true when it means they get to go outside.

In the case of Dixie, a Dachsund who follows her owners everywhere they go, she also helps keep the household clean. After ensuring the safety of her owners as they visit the yard, she noticed her parents would wipe their feet. Deciding this was the custom, she mimicked them, getting her paws nice and clean before going inside.


If you've ever had a dog who liked to go out and run across the wet and muddy grass, you know how messy they can get. Large and small dogs alike get dirty while exploring outside. Once they come inside, they're all too often excited, running inside and jumping on the carpet, the furniture, and anything else you surely want to stay clean.

Pawprints, realistically speaking, are an owner's worst enemy. You can buy all the cleaning products in the world and still struggle to get the dirt, grass stains, and who-knows-what-else out of the upholstery throughout your home. We all know it's not our furry friend's fault — they don't know better. It is still often very frustrating, and can potentially damage your household items.

Everyone knows dogs are smart creatures who learn quickly. Most dogs know basic commands, such as sit, stay, come, and leave it. However, most dogs don't know how to wipe their feet after coming in from an oh-so-muddy adventure. What's most interesting about this particularly handy skill is that Dixie was never officially taught how to do it.

That's right. Dixie learned how to wipe her own paws by mimicking her owners. Dogs are perfectly capable of learning how to perform tasks by watching their owners. However, no one expected Dixie to pick up on this particular behavior. According to her owner, Dixie loves following her owner around the yard. Naturally, this can mean that her paws get wet, muddy, and dirty.

Most owners are used to this — some even keep dog paw wipes by the door for this exact reason. However, Dixie learned from the best. She watched as her humans wiped their feet before coming inside and decided she should do the same. She makes sure to get all the mud and dirt off her paws at the doormat. After all, that's what her owners do with their shoes, so it's only customary, right?

Before leaving the entrance area, she'll wipe her paws multiple times, making sure all the dust, dirt, and water is off. She comes inside, and as her owner wipes their shoes, she stands beside them, looking up to make sure she's doing it right. She then quickly wipes, pauses and starts again, just to make sure she got everything. She even looks to her owner to make sure they've noticed her efforts. As a dog, she wants to make sure she's doing everything she can to make sure their lives are as easy as possible.

So, are you now tempted to teach your dog how to wipe their own paws? Do you wish that your dog picked up on this skill as easily as Dixie did? Or do you think there's no way that your dog has this much patience when they get back inside? Let us know in the comments and be sure to show this your friends with furkids!