Weeks After Birth Mom Compares Ultrasound Photo And Puts Together Truth She Missed

Jan 30, 2019

Our children never stop surprising us as they grow. These tiny humans have their own wonderful personalities that always catch us off guard in the most beautiful ways.

Whether it's their first step, smile, or laugh, getting to see your child grow up right in front of your eyes is truly a blessing. What's even more incredible is getting to connect little bits and pieces of their personalities and habits to see how these change as they grow up.

This adorable and hilarious story is about one mom that noticed something incredible and hilarious about her son. Though he's still quite young, there's something about him that's he's been doing since before he was born.

The mother, Sarah Helleher Steppling, came to this heartwarming realization about her baby's favorite sleeping position.


She shared this discovery in a post on Facebook and Reddit as she figured the rest of the world would find this comparison story (and the pictures that go along with it) quite funny.

After giving birth to her son, Steppling couldn't help but notice how unique her son's sleeping position is. He loves to sleep with his arms above his head, as if he's just hanging out and relaxing.

She found this hilarious, but felt like the pose was somehow familiar. Little did she know how right she was.

What's incredible is that after noting her adorable son's sleeping habit, she revisited her pictures from the ultrasound. In the ultrasound at 39 weeks into her pregnancy, her little baby boy was sleeping in the exact same position that he loves to sleep in now!

With the two photos side by side, it's truly remarkable to see the similarities from the womb up until the present day. I guess there are certain things that we never grow out of!

As his parents continue to laugh about this realization, they're moved at the fact that they're blessed with such a wonderful baby.

Their child is certainly one-of-a-kind. Even when he's not sleeping and taking it easy, he rarely cries, and is always content with being fed, changed, and cuddled.

At three-months-old, her baby boy couldn't be any more charming and laid back. He loves to play, laugh, and hang out with his parents.

As the little boy's parents continue to watch him grow, they wonder what kind of child he will turn into. From the photos and this adorable story, we know that this baby can't get any cuter!

Look at the photos for yourself and be sure to tell us what you think! Fell free to pass this along to your loved ones if it made you smile.