Watch: Heart-Stopping Moment Dog Passed Out On Sheet Of Ice Is Pulled To Safety Barely Alive

Mar 16, 2019

Watching footage of someone’s beloved animal falling through the ice and fighting against the frigid water is awful.

Even when you already know that the outcome is a good one, it is difficult to watch as rescuers struggle to get to the animal.

People will almost always want to jump in and assist, but if they aren’t careful, they could end up fighting against the cold water themselves.

Luckily, there are many stories of firefighters and police officers saving dogs from drowning. Many firefighters use their gear and intense training to pull wayward dogs out of the water. Of course, making sure that your dogs do not go near frozen bodies of water is the best way to avoid the situation altogether, but accidents do happen.

According to the BBC, this particular pup did not actually belong to anyone. It was in December of 2018, in Van, Turkey, that a passerby spotted a puppy stranded out on a chunk of ice on a lake.

The puppy was a good 500 feet from the shore. To rescue the canine, a major effort would have to take place. Because of this, police were called to the scene.

Burak Okten is a part of the Turkish police force and also a diver. He quickly threw on his diving gear and headed out towards the puppy. As he got closer, the little dog collapsed. No one knew if the poor thing was even alive still.

Burak was able to grab the puppy and slide her over his shoulder. She was unresponsive and very still, so he had to make sure her head did not dip under the water as he made his way back.

“We had very little hope when she got out of the water,” Burak told the BBC. “I didn’t expect her to survive.”

Cheers and clapping erupted as he pulled himself and the dog onto the shore, but Burak wasn’t smiling yet. Rescuers quickly took over to see how they could revive her.

Fortunately, the pup is currently in good health and is making a successful recovery. She just had to be treated for hypothermia.

Okten decided that he was going to adopt the puppy himself. He says it is a miracle she survived the icy temperatures. He named her after the Turkish word for ice- “Buz.” We are sure she won’t ever forget his heroic efforts!

Check out the clip below:

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