Virginia Cop "In Awe" As He Witnesses Teenager Use His Jacket To Cover Stranger Trying To Escape The Rain

Nov 20, 2019

Although police officers play an important role in communities across the nation, most people are just a bit uncomfortable when they have to interact with them. Most people associate being pulled over by a police officer as a negative experience, and that goes double for having an officer seek you out at home or on the job.

Because the nature of their work is often based on negative occurrences, police departments across the nation have tried various tactics to change this perception. In recent years, there have been viral stories of police officers pulling people over for good reasons, from handing out holiday turkeys to distributing cash. Some departments have even developed “tickets” designed to be given out when an officer observes someone doing the right thing.

A Missouri police officer recently shared a personal experience on his police department’s Facebook page recounting a moment when he observed someone doing a good deed that he did not want to go unnoticed.

Officer Joe Holt had parked his car on a rainy day and was about to get something to eat when he noticed a young African-American man exit the backseat of a van and approach an elderly white woman.

Officer Holt recounts his pleasant surprise when he observed the young man take off his jacket and hold it over the woman’s head as she walked to her car. The young man then returned to the backseat of the car. Officer Holt was so touched by what he had seen, that he decided to approach the van and make the woman in the front seat aware of what he had just witnessed.

Seeing a police officer approaching her vehicle, the woman (who was the young man’s mom) must have been more than a little apprehensive. Her feeling of dread probably became greater as the officer told her that he wanted to talk with her about her son.

According to Officer Holt’s Facebook post, the woman was quite relieved to learn that he was there to commend her son for his act of kindness. Officer Holt shared with her how impressed he was by her son and how proud she should be for raising such a thoughtful and responsible young man. Both the mom and Officer Holt shed a few tears as they were overcome by the power of the moment.

In his Facebook post, Officer Holt noted that most of the hatred in the world is based on things reported in the news, not personal experience.

He went on to say: “This kid cared less about race, religion or color. The only thing this kid cared about was being kind.” 

Because police officers often see people at their worst, it is easy to understand why this act of kindness touched Officer Holt so deeply. Be sure to pass this story along to someone in your life who needs a reminder about the power of kindness.