Video: Rescuers Help After Frantic Elephant Realizes He's Stuck in Water-Filled Canal

Jan 29, 2019

We have seen time and time again the ability of people to join forces to aid both humans and animals. You often see the best of human beings whenever there is an emergency to address. And though no one is happy when animals are in distress, it is nice to see people come together to help them.

It can be extremely dangerous to get stuck in a canal. The steep sides can make it impossible to crawl out of a canal. And when the water rises in a canal, it is not difficult to be swept away by the current.

There is no doubt you have seen rescue footage of an unfortunate animal stranded in the water only to have human beings risk life and limb to save them.

In the video, a group of people formed a human chain with their bodies. The human chain dangled over the side of a canal. The mission was to pull a rescuer and his rescuee from danger.

This may not seem like much of a challenge when the object of the rescue is a dog. However, the task becomes much more difficult when the animal needing to be rescued is an elephant. Common rescue methods may be useless and the danger to humans attempting such a rescue is high.

Elephants love to enter the water. They will spend hours playing and swimming in water to cool off. One elephant recently found himself stuck in a canal in Sri Lanka. He was unable to climb the steep wall to free himself.

Curious onlookers watched the failed attempts of the elephant to free himself from the canal. The elephant began to panic and swam into deeper waters.

A team of rescuers formed from the crowd. The idea was to build a heavy ladder that would be stable enough for the elephant to use for escape.

The rescuers tied tires to a heavy-duty rope and threw the end of the rope into the canal. The elephant perfectly understood the intention of rescuers but kept slipping from the makeshift ladder whenever he tried to use it.

The rescuers added more lines, along with logs and tires, in hopes of providing the elephant with a better grip. Finally, the elephant was able to free himself from the canal.

Your Thoughts

What did you think of the rescue effort for the elephant? Send this video to your friends and family. They will enjoy watching humans come together to save animals.