Video Footage Shows Brave Cat Jumping To His Owner's Rescue When Her Husband 'Attacks' Her

Sep 10, 2018

Dogs are known for being loyal to the owners, but that isn’t the case for all animals that we keep as pets. Cats have a different reputation entirely. But this one proves differently.

We all know that cats aren’t especially known for being as loyal as their canine counterparts. However, you probably have noticed that cats can be feisty under certain circumstances. You've probably witnessed many cats taking it into their own hands to settle household fights between your other animals. It might just be true that cats have a loyalty to the justice system. You’ll never catch a cat avoiding conflict and they’re never afraid to step up when something is wrong in the household.

One new staged viral video is showcasing just how loyal cats can be when it comes to justice.

The couple featured in the footage decided to see whether their cat was loyal to them or not. To test this theory, they began to plan. They decided that the husband should pretend to attack his wife in order to attempt to get a reaction out of their pet. The fight was completely staged, and the wife was not actually harmed in the footage.

In the video, the husband, owner of the cat, is shown pretending to grab and attack his wife as the camera rolls, waiting for the cat to spring into action and attempt to protect her. What happens next is unexpected and amazing!

When the cat hears his female owner screaming, he starts running towards them and looks extremely alarmed. He knows that something isn't quite right. You won’t believe what the cat does next. Their pet gets violent with the man attacking his wife, attacking him in an attempt to save her from his grasp. The cat tries to break up the fight, but when the man doesn’t stop his attack, their pet takes another approach to the action in order to stop the pretend abuse. The cat then begins scraping the man’s arms with its nails as well as biting him.

Even when the man stops pretending to attack his wife, the cat still remains next to them, attacking him.

After it is clear that the cat wanted to rescue her and they got the reassurance that their cat indeed loves them, the women calms the cat down successfully. Although a cat can’t do much to stop an attacker due to their lack of strength, it sure is the thought that counts in this situation!

Who says that cats can’t be as loyal as dogs? Seeing the courageous cat get upset about the thought of his owner being abused is the sweetest gesture. You can watch the video below:

What do you think about the cat trying to protect its owner? Did you expect it? Do you think they’d be as loyal as this one? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones.