Veteran Has To Live In Tent After House Fire Is Overwhelmed When Community Comes To Restore Home

Mar 14, 2019

73-year old Walter Flanagan knows what it means to serve and sacrifice for others. Walter defended his country as a member of the United States Navy during the Vietnam War.

Later in his life, Walter took care of his ailing father, making sure his dad received the comfort and attention he needed right up to his death.

According to MSN, when tragedy struck Walter’s home, his entire community gathered together to make sure that the veteran got everything that he needed to make him whole again.

Walter had been living in his home in the West End of Richmond, Virginia for many years when a fire broke out in his kitchen last December. Thankfully, Walter wasn’t home during the blaze and wasn’t injured, but his home was rendered unlivable.

As the electrical system wasn’t up to date, Walter’s insurance company refused to pay for repairs. Having very little money, Walter was forced to live in a tent on his property, braving the worst of the winter’s snowstorms in his tiny shelter.

Locals soon learned of Walter’s plight and knew they had to help. John Butler, a local building inspector, reached out to churches in the area, gaining enough money in donations to get Walter a hotel room.

John also organized a group of college students who cleaned up debris from Walter’s kitchen. As locals looked for more help, Servpro stepped in, offering to clean the fire damage for free. As word spread around the area, more than thirty companies also joined the effort, building a new kitchen in the home and improving the electrical system.

When the big day came for Walter to finally move back in, it had all the fanfare of a premiere of a major Hollywood movie. As news crews watched, Walter cut a ribbon in front of his front door to celebrate the end of construction.

Speaking to CBS 6 Problem Solvers, Walter thanked all the contractors and individuals who helped him fix his house. In addition to numerous companies offering their services for free, Walter told of how individuals also joined the effort, volunteering their time painting the interior of his home and donating money.

Walter says that the response from the community is amazing and restored his faith in humanity. The veteran, who sacrificed so much for our nation and the preservation of our way of life, feels that he now lives in a completely renovated home.

What do you think of Walter’s neighbors and community volunteering their time and money to fix his house? Tell us in the comments and pass this wonderful story on to your friends and loved ones, who might need to hear a heartwarming story today.