Vet Tenderly Comforts Frightened Puppy After Her Surgery

Apr 29, 2020

The good thing about living in a world where technological devices are commonplace is that sometimes a priceless and precious moment gets recorded and shared on the internet so that the entire world can share in the adorable scene together!

For one Pit Bull, her day was recorded after she went through a bit of a rough time, but the footage is too cute for words.

Vet Cuddles Up To Pit Bull After Her Big Surgery

This particular video features a veterinarian assistant who, according to Fox News, was comforting and cradling up with a Pit Bull that had been rescued in Baltimore and had just been through the process of being spayed. Although the puppy seems a little confused about what had just happened, the vet is there to comfort her along the way while she heals!

Neutering and spaying is a necessary process if you don’t plan on breeding your pets. Thankfully, the process is affordable and costs much less than an unexpected litter of kittens or puppies would. It also reduces the chances that the babies would be homeless, in a shelter, or on the streets to fend for themselves.

Taking responsibility for your pets by spaying and neutering them can be a safe method to making sure that no more animals are produced, seeing as shelters and pet stores everywhere are filled to the brim with animals that have not yet found homes. PETA explains in detail why spaying and neutering is a very important procedure to keep in mind if you have pets.

Many countries have a crisis where millions of pets are homeless, and there is no need to contribute to these numbers by leaving your pets to carelessly breed with other animals of their species.

Making this decision can be seriously helpful for the sake of the breed of the animals, and it’s important to take responsibility and get the procedure done if you don’t plan on ever breeding your precious pet.

Although the Pit Bull is a bit stressed in the video, animals recover from being spayed and neutered with time and go on to live full and happy lives. Baby Pit Bull Meesha was later adopted and renamed Maddie, according to BARCS Animal Shelter.

Thankfully, this Pit Bull had one lovely veterinarian's assistant to comfort her through the process and the video is too priceless for words! Cradling the puppy in his arms, she seemed to find peace in his soft-spoken words and comfort.

It’s a moment so precious you have to see it for yourself by watching the video above. What do you think about spaying and neutering your pets? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!