Vegetarian In 14 Easy Steps

Jun 19, 2018

A vegetarian diet has been recognized as a positive change for those looking to eat healthier. Though it is difficult to imagine life without consuming meat, it is obtainable by following a few simple steps. 

1. Ease In

The best way to form a new habit is to simply start. Cutting meat from your diet is a big change and it doesn't need to be done all at once. Choose one day per week and decide to abstain from meat.

2. Go meat-free on the weekdays

Once you are meat-free a single day out of the week, try to stay away from meat for the weekdays. During the work week, remain focused on your vegetarian diet and try some new recipes.

3. One meal at a time

If avoiding meat for the work week or a whole day is too large of a transition, start with one meal. Eating meals without meat will require you to find new recipes and foods to eat. Try a meatless lunch and experiment with your new options.

4. Focus your grocery shopping habits

A big milestone in your transition to a vegetarian diet is the fact that you no longer keep meat in your refrigerator or freezer. Once you have worked through your current stock of meat products, simply stop purchasing it from the grocery store or butcher. 

5. Try new recipes

When you are consuming meat with nearly every meal, a lot of the food you eat will revolve around that protein. Try to find an ingredient that you had never thought to cook with before and find or create a recipe based on it. 

6. Find your quick recipes

One of the easiest ways to fall out of your new habit is when you are in a rush. Find 2-3 recipes that are quick and easy to make when you're on the run. Overnight oats are a great option.

7. Find inspiration

Social media is a fantastic source of vegetarian inspiration. You will find recipes and experiences similar to your own.

8. Ensure you are finding the proper nutrients

Use calorie trackers such as My Fitness Pal to keep track of what you are eating. With less meat, the calories are less dense. You will need to eat more overall to keep your calorie and nutrient count the same. 

9. Plan ahead when dining out

Dining out can be a challenge as a vegetarian. Luckily, most menus are posted online. Check ahead or give the restaurant a call and ask what will work for your diet. 

10. Find new restaurants

Eating vegetarian will not only provide you with new ingredients and recipes, you may even find your new favorite restaurant. Seek out the vegetarian-friendly restaurants near you for some new flavors!

11. Try vegetarian mock-meats

If you miss your favorite burger, try a mock-meat. New technology has gotten the tastes and textures closer than ever. 

12. Have your snacks ready

Always have a vegetarian snack on hand and ready to go. You never know when hunger will strike! 

13. Bring your own dish

It sure is uncomfortable when you're invited to dinner and all they cook is meat based recipes! Offer to bring your own vegetarian dish. 

14. Take it easy

Finally, make sure you realize that the change you are making is positive. Be easy on yourself when you make mistakes!

Transitioning to a vegetarian diet will be a difficult but positive change. Let us know what you think about our 14 tips and pass this along to friends that are interested in making the change.