U.S. Soldiers Raise Money To Bring Beloved Dog Home From Afghanistan

Apr 10, 2019

A furry dog named Bear became a good friend to soldiers serving with Alpha Company's 1/21 Battalion. The connection was made during the soldiers' first month in Afghanistan. One day while the soldiers were on patrol, the stray wandered in their direction and has, for the most part, been part of the battalion family ever since.

The soldiers are set to return to their home base in Georgia in seven months. They are taking steps to ensure Bear will travel to Georgia with them. Nowzad is a non-profit organization that is helping the soldiers raise the funds necessary for Bear to make the trip.


Bear will need to undergo vaccinations and quarantine before being allowed to enter the United States. The procedure is common when soldiers wish to bring dogs back from war zones. The process is a little expensive but well worth it to Bear's circle of friends.

Bear is not allowed to enter the army base so soldiers from the battalion take turns carrying food to their dog. Alyssa Baily has a boyfriend who is a member of the battalion that has fallen head over heels for Bear. She told 11Alive that he is a sweet dog and gives the soldiers something to enjoy while serving their country.

The soldiers have expressed concern for what may happen to Bear if he is left behind when they return to the states. There will be no one to take care of him and the soldiers fear for his safety.

Ironically, if Bear is able to enter the United States, he will then be faced with the opposite problem. Several soldiers from the battalion have expressed a desire to open their home to the dog. The fundraiser started by Nowzad to benefit Bear and another dog by the name of Shank has thus far raised $11,000. The goal is $15,000.

What do you think of the soldiers' efforts to bring Bear into the states? Were you impressed with the commitment made by the young men? Pass this article along to your friends and family. They will be impressed with the heart displayed by the soldiers.