Unorthodox Beauty Tips You Won't Believe You Didn't Know

Oct 20, 2017

Most ladies want to look as beautiful as they can, but there are always going to be issues that are too difficult to handle on your own. Here are some beauty secrets that will make you gorgeous without costing much money or time.

1. For Stunning Hair:

Greasy hair can be an issue, but there is an easy solution. Add a few teaspoons of salt to your shampoo. This will help your roots stay clean.

2 For Thicker Eyelashes:

When your mascara bottle runs empty, save it for this hack. Mix aloe vera juice, vitamin E, and castor oil, and use the bottle and mascara applicator to apply the substance to your lashes and brows before bed.

3. For Reducing Under-Eye Circles:

Don't throw away your used coffee grounds in the morning. Instead, save them for this hack. Mix them with coconut oil and apply the mixture directly to any circles under your eyes. Leave the mixture on for at least 15 minutes.

4. For Optimal Health:

Cellulite can be a problem all over the body, but there is a simple wrap you can make at home to combat it. Create a mixture of warm water, cosmetic clay, and ground ginger. Using plastic wrap, apply the mixture to the areas that need attention. Leave the plastic wrap over the mixture for about an hour.

5. For Smoother Legs:

Add two glasses of sugar to a quarter of a glass of lemon juice and a quarter of a glass of water. Using low heat, cook the mixture until it turns golden. Once it has cooled, it can be applied to your legs. Removing the paste will remove fine and ingrown hairs.

6. For Stronger Nails:

Add coconut oil to an equal volume of honey and blend with a hint of lavender oil. Apply to your nails like polish.

7. For Clearer Skin:

You can make a wonderful home facial mask with ground activated charcoal and gelatin. Make a jelly-like mixture with water as a base, then apply the mask and leave it for 30 minutes.

8. For Whiter Teeth:

Mix baking soda with grated strawberries for a gentle scrubbing action that will leave your teeth whiter than they were before.

9. For An All-Day-Long Fresh Face:

With the help of a refreshing facial spray, you can look fresh all day long. Mix aloe gel and purified water in a spray bottle, then stick it in your purse or car.

10. For Sunburn:

Make a solution of water and baking soda. This will help reduce redness and soothe the skin. Leave the solution on the burned area for no more than 15 minutes.

Did you find these tips helpful? Try them out at your next girls night! SHARE now with your friends and loved ones!