Two-Year-Old Toddler With Cerebral Palsy Went Out On Rainy Day And Splashed Around In Puddle For The First Time

Jan 18, 2020

Children can find joy in the smallest of things. There is a simplicity and contentment in children that is truly remarkable. Most everyone can remember the wonders of childhood, when you could be entertained for hours just by watching the fireflies on a summer night or blowing bubbles in your driveway. Sadly, many children cannot enjoy these small joys. Too often one hears about children stricken with serious illnesses at the dawn of their lives. Instead of playing outside with their friends, these children are confined to hospital beds in a battle for their future. A little boy from West Yorkshire is one such child.

Two-year-old Wilson Sweeney of Halifax suffers from cerebral palsy, a congenital disorder that makes it very difficult to move your limbs. While cerebral palsy usually presents itself during childhood, Wilson was diagnosed with it when he was only 13 months old, as the Daily Mail reports. Like most people with cerebral palsy, it is very painful for Wilson to even stand up or sit down.

Despite his condition, Wilson’s mom, Amy Slavin, still wants him to enjoy life. To that end, Amy recently filmed him enjoying a puddle on a rainy day. Most toddlers love jumping in puddles and Wilson was no different. With Amy supporting him, the little guy had the biggest smile on his face as he placed his boots into the puddle. Jumping and stomping, mom and son both laughed as Wilson playfully splashed water on Amy.

Amy and her partner, Steven Sweeney, are trying to raise money to get Wilson a special surgery in the United States. The surgery would be performed at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri. While the surgery would not cure Wilson of cerebral palsy, it would reduce his pain and help him walk in the future. Amy and Steven are incredibly proud of little Wilson. On their fundraising website Just4Children they say that the little guy is highly intelligent for a kid his age and is just held back by his physical condition.

What do you think of the video of Wilson splashing in the puddle? Was there any small joy that brought you incredible happiness when you were a child?