Two-Month-Old Chihuahua's Adorable Fight With 15lb Bag Of Dog Food

Chihuahuas can be extremely dangerous and ruthless creatures. All three pounds of them, right? There are good reasons why Chihuahuas are such popular animals. While they may be small, this breed has an amazing spirit like no other.

As told by Rumble, Ryder is only 2-months-old. However, he is already a crazy little dog with a ton of attitude. He showed just how determined he could be when he attacked a 15-pound bag of his dog food with incredible gusto. You could almost hear him yelling at the bag in his head.

Ryder quickly latched onto the paper bag with his teeth and jaws, as small as they are. He then hops backward and tries to pop as many holes into the bag as possible. While most wild dogs hunt in packs, this isn’t the case for little Ryder. Ryder is perfectly happy working alone. He wasn’t able to open up the bag from the very top, so he decided to attack it from below.

You can tell that Ryder is well aware of what is in the bag. Sure, he could patiently wait for his owner to come and pour it out for him, but this is absolutely more fun! Besides, this little puppy doesn’t know the meaning of the word patient. He wants his puppy chow now!

It takes a lot of attempts from the little dog to beat the bag into submission. However, he knows what it is like to be persistent. He will not let up on his attack. While he barely put a dent into the bag, you can tell he is not going to give up any time soon.

It was fun to watch the lengths that Ryder would go through in order to get through to the wonderful treats inside. You definitely have to appreciate just how determined these little dogs can be. What they lack in size, they make up for in sheer, unwavering persistence!

Just remember, while Chihuahuas make great pets, they take a lot of energy and care. These breeds of dogs have very strong personalities, and they always demand lots of attention. They are loving dogs, but they do take a lot of hard work!

What did you think of this cute video? Do you own a dog yourself? Leave us a comment and be sure to pass this along to your friends who love animals! This video will surely make them laugh.