Two Hunters Shoot Elephant, Herd Violently Charges Them In Response

Oct 29, 2018

Animal lovers everywhere will find this story a touching reminder of how much animals look out for each other. Some poachers were recently caught on film attempting to hunt an elephant herd in Namibia (southwest Africa).

The video shows two men dressed in safari gear and holding huge rifles. The herd is a big one of adult elephants. One of the hunters tells the other to shoot "between the eyes," but elephants are enormous creatures. One shot is definitely not going to take down an elephant.

The two hunters continue to shoot until they see the elephant hit the ground.

You have to watch what happens next. The elephant herd immediately notices what has happened to their fallen friend and that the two hunters are to blame. The elephants cry out angrily and charge the hunters.

The hunters were understandably frightened and ran away. A big herd of adult elephants charging you would be a scary thing indeed. After a while, though, the elephants stop and return to caring for the wounded elephant.

Elephants are an endangered species. The ivory trade is primarily to blame for the decline in the elephant population. Elephant tusks are valued for their beauty and can fetch a big price in the black market. The ivory trade has almost been completely outlawed, but people still hunt elephants. These hunters were obviously looking for some bragging rights.

According to Corné Kruger, a qualified big game hunter based in Namibia, there is a small number of elephants that individuals are allowed to hunt per year and that the two hunters were hunting in a legal sustainable way. This video was apparently taken three or four years ago but has recently surfaced on social media.

Watch the video below. WARNING: Some viewers may find it upsetting because it contains violence against animals.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Did these hunters get what they deserved? What are your views about elephant hunting?