Two Florida Men Capture 12-Foot Alligator

Oct 18, 2021

In the state of Florida, there are so many alligators that there is a hunting season to try and control the population. This hunting season is called the statewide alligator hunt and is usually from mid-August to early November. It requires a special permit and tags to participate, although there are more than 15,000 applicants per year for only approximately 7,000 permits. One man from Pensacola, Andy Sokol, and his friend Tanner waited three years for their chance to go gator hunting. 

Their harvest did not disappoint. Sokol and his friend were able to hunt and capture a 12-foot alligator in the Perdido River in October 2021. The men said that the battle they fought with the gator was intense and a bit harrowing, but they still enjoyed it and are looking forward to applying for a tag again in 2022. 

Sokol said that based on its size, the alligator was probably around 50 years old. The animal was an American alligator which is also referred to as a common gator. These creatures are native to the Southeastern United States, and males can grow up to 15 feet in length. 

The largest male recorded was captured in 1890 on Marsh Island, Louisiana, and was measured at 19 feet 2 inches in length. These alligators are considered dangerous apex predators that eat fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. 

Sokol and his friend were very proud of their catch, and the photos of the alligator are quite impressive. The giant reptile looks closer to a dinosaur or something out of a horror movie, and residents are glad it is out of the river. Read on to learn more about this incredible capture. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Catching such a huge alligator was not easy. Sokol and his friend Tanner knew they had their work cut out for them when they saw just how big the gator really was. In an interview with CBS Local 21 News, Sokol said: 

"That was our first night trying and rolled up on this guy and wasn't really sure what we hooked until we got him next to the boat. I knew when we got a hook in him, we were like, 'OK he's pretty big.' But then when we saw this giant foot and this giant tail come up next to the boat we were like OK he's really big."

The first glimpse they caught was of the back of the reptile. "We saw his tail and we just knew we were in for a long night," Sokol shared. It was definitely a long night but worth the effort as they ended up with an incredible catch.

The entire experience gave these two friends some lasting memories. "Definitely a different kind of battle," Sokol said. "That was, I'd say, the closest thing to war I've ever felt. It'll get your heart going definitely. I think the small boat definitely enhanced that feeling. But it was fun, I'll remember that forever."

These men are looking forward to their next chance to participate in the statewide alligator hunt. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, each permit holder is assigned a week during the season and a quota based on their area.

American alligators are no longer considered endangered, but other species of crocodilians are. For this reason, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has strict rules about reporting harvests and serious consequences for the illegal taking of endangered crocodilian species.

What do you think of this amazing catch? Let us know your opinion, and be sure to send this along to all of the hunters in your life.

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