Twins Get Left At The Hospital Without Parents, So Kindhearted Nurse Takes Them Home

Oct 29, 2019

Everyone knows that nurses are angels on earth. One particular nurse took this compassion to an entirely different level.

Linda Trepanier is a Minnesota nurse who is also a full-time medical foster care provider. The 58-year-old nurse recently showed the world just how much she loves children in need.

According to Inside Edition, Matthew and Marshall are twin boys who were born with Pfeiffer syndrome.

This rare genetic deformity causes the skull to not go through the normal growth patterns while still developing inside the womb. Because of this syndrome, the sweet twins were born with large and misshapen heads, bulging eyes, fibrous joints, and deformities of the hands and feet.

Matthew and Marshall were taken away from the parents shortly after they were born.

The parents were deemed to be unfit to care for the twins, leaving the boys without a home. Linda agreed to foster the boys until a permanent home could be found.

She was the perfect choice for this job after having fostered 16 kids. Linda also is a parent and grandparent, giving the kind nurse an abundance of experience with small children.

The babies were just four months old when they went to live with Linda. She took on the job knowing that the special needs of the twins required care around the clock care, including constant monitoring of breathing tubes and body temperature. She was such a good fit for the boys that social services asked her to adopt one of the boys.

You can probably guess what Linda did next!

Watch this touching video to see how Linda changed the lives forever of two lucky boys:

After you have watched this heartwarming story, be sure to spread the joy to everyone else that you know by showing this video to your loved ones. The kindness of Linda should be spread to the world.