'Twin Sisters' Show What Makes Them Alike

Sep 21, 2020

Jia Sarnicola and Zuri Copeland are two young girls with different skin colors who refuse to believe they're not twins. Their sisterhood might just be the story the world needs right now.

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Both Jia and Zuri seem entirely confident that they are twin sisters; and no one can tell them otherwise. In fact, the girls have gone viral multiple times, purely for their innocent and pure-hearted explanations of how they see each other.

Truthfully, the girls are neighbors, not sisters. Upon seeing the girls, adults may instantly have cause to doubt the girls' claim of sisterhood, as the two are clearly two entirely different races.


However, that line of thinking does not occur to the 7-year-olds at all, as everything they see in one another points toward the apparent fact that the two are true "soulmates", as they also call themselves.

Born only a few days apart from one another, the girls are inseparable. The bond of friendship between these two girls is so great, there's no one who can rightfully point out that it's anything but a sisterhood.

As Jia's mother Ashley told CBS News in an interview, "they will tell you that they are twins and they have a long list of reasons why to back it up."

The girls' families have embraced their closeness, going so far as to go on family vacations together. In reality, the parents know the two girls will eventually have to face a reality in which they are not actually twins; however, the parents see no reason to shake that worldview right now.

In an interview with Fox 10 News, Jia's mother told reporters, "It's always inspiring to see two girls love each other so much, when I say love I mean they love each other like sisters, you know they actually believe they're twins." The way their parents see it: if their love is real, then there's no reason to put a damper on it.

Zuri's mother seems to feel the same, stating"you know, you're happy for a few seconds and then you become sad because they have to grow up - and then society takes over."

Although they are just children, the girls have already gotten a taste of what society might say. The girls first went viral at just 4-years-old, when a peer pointed out they could not be twins due to their differing skin colors.

In response, Jia offered just about the most innocent comeback one could think of, stating, "You don't know what you're talking about. We're twins because we share the same soul," as CBS News reports.

As both Zuri and Jia state, the list for their twin-soulmate status is nearly endless. They're nearly the same height, wear the same clothes, argue like sisters, have their own handshake and friendship song, and feel like twins in their souls.

"Just to be able to see these girls, who are so innocent, who love each other they are just promoting friendship and kindness, just to see it, it's simply wonderful," stated Zuri's mother.

Although they may not believe they're twins forever, this touching story of two girls who believe they're twins might be just what the world needs. If these girls inspire you, be sure to leave a comment, and don't forget to pass this article along to a friend.

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