Truth or Stereotype? Learn What Makes A Relationship Work

Mar 21, 2018

When thinking about relationships, it’s important to know what is good advice that you should live by and what is based on a stereotype. Sometimes, these stereotypes can damage our relationships with loved ones because we make assumptions that aren’t true. Read on to discover which relationship truths can be relied on and which should be ignored.

5. The beginning must always be passionate.

Movies and books would have us believe that a new relationship must always start with fireworks and grand gestures. People sometimes turn down good relationships because they don’t feel that “spark” right at the beginning. A good relationship is based on caring, trust, and respect, as well as laughter.

4. You must have the same interests as your partner.

It’s nice when you can share a hobby or special interest with your partner, but everyone needs time to themselves. Hobbies or activities are a great way to accomplish this. They also foster friendships outside the relationship, which are healthy.

3. Good relationships mean never fighting.

Every couple has disagreements. That doesn’t mean your relationship is on the rocks. The way you fight is important. Abuse and foul language are never OK. Ideally, everyone should put their cards on the table and be honest so the disagreement can be worked through. Love can withstand the occasional quarrel.

2. You must love your partner’s friends and family.

Don’t expect your partner to be instantly comfortable with your family. It takes some time to get this part of your relationship going. Ideally, even if your partner’s friends or family are not your favorite people, you can handle it in a mature fashion and be civil and respectful to everyone.

1. If you’re not together all the time, there’s something wrong with your relationship.

This isn’t true at all. Happy couples allow each other the time and space to be themselves. It’s okay to spend time with your friends without your partner, and it’s okay to need a quiet evening to yourself now and then. Even in a marriage, this is true.

Remember these five points when thinking about your relationships. Try to remember which aspects you learned from movies and TV and have a more realistic view of love and share this article with your friends and loved ones so they can recognize the real love they have.