Traumatized Shelter Dog Is Afraid Of Humans. But A Night With His New Brother Changes Everything.

Jan 28, 2019

Mason knew he wanted a pet. He thought about getting a hedgehog, but they’re hard to hug. Whoever his new best friend was going to be, he was going to give it all the love and care it could ever need. So, 15-year-old Mason decided he wanted a dog, and the search began.

After checking local shelter websites, Mason saw a picture of a small puppy with lonely eyes. The folks at the shelter told the family that the puppy had spent the first part of his life tied to a tree. He had been neglected and learned to be afraid of humans. Mason knew that this puppy needed a home, so he adopted him and named him Hedgie.

The first day at his new home was not a good one. Hedgie was convinced he was going to be hurt. He fled to the nearest table and stayed crouched there all day. But things were about to change. Mason took Hedgie to his room and let him sleep in his bed. The following morning the two were curled up next to each other, and they have been inseparable ever since.

Mason finally had the pet he had wanted so badly, and Hedgie finally had the love he deserved. They spent all their time together. Mason taught his friend to do all kinds of tricks like speaking on command and giving high-fives. Hedgie was a smart puppy and picked it all up in no time.

A few months passed, and the family noticed that Hedgie was having trouble walking and eating. They took him to the vet and were told that he had megaesophagus and myasthenia gravis. The vet recommended putting the puppy down because his problems would need lots of care. Mason and his family knew that was not an option.

They bought a special chair for Hedgie to sit in while he eats. It uses gravity to help dogs with megaesophagus swallow, and it worked perfectly! Mason had to give Hedgie a bit of help, but he didn’t mind at all.

Even though Hedgie is all grown up, he and Mason are still as close as when he was a puppy. They still sleep in the same bed and are the best of friends. Hedgie needs more room to sleep now, but Mason is happy to share it with him.

Hedgie's days of being sad, afraid, and lonely are behind him because someone saw that he was worthy of love and care. A little kindness transformed a scared puppy into a best friend and gave one boy the most loyal friend in the world!

Aren't Mason and Hedgie the cutest? Do you have a pet yourself? If so, let us know if you share a special bond with them. Don't forget to pass this story on to your animal loving friends!