Tomboy Mother Lost Half Her Body Weight And Can't Recognize Herself After Extreme Makeover

Mar 07, 2019

It’s never easy to drop the pounds as anyone who can try to lose weight can attest. Yet Ashleigh Kugler, a resident of Fargo, North Dakota, managed to drop over 140 pounds over a four year time period—that’s half of her beginning body weight!

Yet shedding the pounds was only part of the battle, now Kugler needed to learn how to dress her new body. This is when The Rachael Ray Show stepped in.

A hairstylist and mother of two, Kugler had been overweight her entire life. As a child, she lived in two households and quickly learned how to benefit from having multiple choices in regard to the food she ate.

Yet as she snuck food and began to binge, Kugler began to pack on weight. By the time she was a teenager, she would need to buy men’s pants to fit her 38 inch waistline.

Four years ago, Kugler realized her current 280 pound weight was not conducive to a long and happy life.

Knowing she needed to make a change for the better, Kugler began by making small changes.

She signed up for a weight loss program, learned about portion control and making better food choices. Then she implemented these changes in her lifestyle and saw her weight begin to drop.

Kugler switched from processed foods to whole foods and added fitness programs to her daily routine and the result was over 140 pounds of weight lost.

Although Kugler was healthier and happier at her smaller size, she still did not see her body as it truly was. Her entire life, Kugler had been dressing a bigger person and suddenly she was overwhelmed with all of her choices.

She continued to hide her body in clothes that were too big and wearing tomboy outfits like flannels and jeans.

This is when The Rachael Ray Show stepped in to assist this inspiring woman.

Stylist Gretta Monahan took Kugler on a shopping spree while teaching the transformed woman how to dress her new body. From tomboy to stylish mom, Kugler was completely blown away by the difference afterward.

She could barely recognize herself.

Then as an additional surprise, People magazine offered to feature an interview and photographs of Kugler in a special weight loss issue known as ‘Half Their Size.’

Have you or a loved one ever had a dramatic transformation in regard to weight? Tell us in the comments below. If Kugler’s perseverance inspired you, pass this story onto a friend!