Toddler Approaches With Arms In Air Towards Armed Police After Parents Were Arrested

Feb 08, 2019

Put your hands up! This isn’t usually a phrase you think of when you think about a toddler. Usually you think of toddler’s being read to or playing with toys. That’s definitely not what this toddler has been experiencing.

Tallahassee police were involved in a shoplifting call and were in the process of making a couple of arrests.

This is when this footage was caught. A bystander captured this video and soon posted it on Facebook.

The suspects were armed so this placed the need for the police to be armed not only with pistols but rifles as well.

You can see in the video how the police begin to surround the car which is located just outside of a department store.

The child’s father was instructed and then detained by the police. Then without thought or hesitation, this little girl climbs out of her seat and then out of the car all while weapons are pointed.

This is only because the police are trained to stay focused on the vehicle until cleared.

You can hear in the video how the person that is capturing is the event is concerned how the baby is trying to get out but she can’t because she is so little. They go on to talk about how she gets out and holds her own little hands up.

You hear a very concerned voice saying that they are holding guns pointed at the baby. Someone else corrects them and states that they are holding the guns at the car instead.

As the incident unfolds further, a woman is allowed to hold the baby as the remainder of the situation is dealt with. It’s reported that the woman is the mother to the child.

The events were captured and reviewed by the police department from 10 different cameras worn on bodies of the policeman.

The Tallahassee Police Department was happy with the outcome of the situation and the footage was released on their Facebook page in efforts to show how the officers were being compassionate towards the toddler in this dramatic and unfortunate situation.

Be sure and send this video on to others. It’s not every day that you see a toddler with their hands up walking towards the police!

What are your thoughts on this video? Do you think it could have been handled differently? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.