Toddler Adorably Belts Out The National Anthem

Jul 31, 2020

At just two years old in 2015, Trent Harris performed for the first time at an event by singing The Star-Spangled Banner at the Southern Regional High School Varsity boys basketball game.

An Unexpected, Patriotic Surprise

Audiences hardly knew what they were in for when they attended a Varsity Basketball game in Manahawkin, New Jersey one evening. Expecting to see a routine game with a little excitement mixed in, this crowd realized they were in for a real treat when it came time to sing the national anthem and open the game.

According to Time, the son of a Cincinnati Bengal player, who once attended this New Jersey school, was allowed to sing the national anthem at this game. Now, are you ready for an exciting twist? The sweet little boy was only two-years-old when he made his first singing appearance at this game.

Singing Without Hesitation

Unaware of the size of the crowd with the innocence of a babe, this two-year-old belted out the The Star-Spangled Banner in a fearless fashion. Standing out on the court alongside his father, this little tyke begins the first few lines in a whisper. Gaining confidence, each line thereafter becomes louder and louder.

As he begins to become more confident, his dad slowly backs up until he is standing courtside, while his son takes center stage. Continuing to sing, the little two-year-old captures the attention and hearts of fans who gently take in his rendition of the National Anthem.

Peaking and Belting It Out

By the time this little guy reaches the line that includes the lyrics "rocket's red glare," he has really gotten the hang of things. Giving it his all, the little boy sings at the top of his lungs, causing the crowd to giggle.

Launching into the next line of lyrics, the two-year-old becomes more and more confident as his vocal volume increases, as well.

Performance Anxiety Leaves Quickly

The National Anthem is one of the most complicated song selections anyone can attempt to sing, even for an adult. This little boy showed his courage when he opted to sing this song in front of hundreds of fans at a local New Jersey basketball game.

It's not always easy to sing in front of an audience, so we assume he has had dad coaching him along the way at home to get prepared for this big moment. Remembering the words and refraining from stage fright is a feat that most adults can't accomplish. Yet, this little one did it with ease. Kudos to this two-year-old for taking on such a grandiose task and turning it into an entertaining evening for fans.

A Moment in Time Captured Forever

This is a moment that the parents of this little boy will likely never forget, along with audience members. Seeing such patriotism in a little soul is refreshing and enlightening. Let us know what you think of little Trent's performance in the comments and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family.