To Wear A Wedding Ring Has Greater Meaning Than Most Think — The Justifications Behind It

Feb 02, 2021

A wedding ceremony is one of the most amazing milestones of life that one can experience, and it is all the more special for future spouses. There is nothing that can compare to the gaze of the groom when his bride walks down the aisle or the look of the partner's eyes during the ceremony that expresses utter bliss. A marriage is a celebration and promise both rolled into a meaningful day. No one ever forgets how incredible they felt on their wedding day. 

And then, there comes the moment when the rings are exchanged between partners. This is the promise personified, and many people flaunt their wedding rings soon after. However, some people prefer to keep their rings away. We list the reasons why a wedding ring is so important to wear.

Many couples do not wear their rings for practical reasons like a workplace that does not allow them or because of an allergy or irritation to wearing rings. Most people just do not think wedding rings have any importance. After all, it is merely a symbol. The true meaning of marriage lies in the years spent together with your spouse. 

However, a wedding ring is a symbol of something crucial, and its wearing on the hand is an important part of what it represents in a person's life. People who are strong proponents of marriage agree in a single voice that the wearing of wedding rings is extremely important in keeping the marriage strong. There is a reason wedding rings were introduced; they are more than jewelry. 

Here are the six unexpected reasons why wedding rings are important to a sustainable and strong marriage.


A wedding is an act of connecting to another person on all levels. The moment the wedding vows are exchanged, there is a promise that your other half will be considered in all your undertakings. This means that your future is intimately intertwined with your spouse, and all decisions and future steps are taken together with them. This is not a small thing by any means—the love shared in this sacred union is deep and profound. 

The ring on your finger will remind you that your actions from now on are impacting another person as well as yourself.

This will remind you in times when you must choose between two or more options, that you must consider your partner and how your choices will impact them. For many people, this very act of including their partner in all future decisions is a blessing, because they don't have to do anything alone. However, for some others, it is a loss of freedom and independence they previously had. This line of thinking can cause unnecessary friction in relationships, but it need not. As long as there is clear communication between both parties about their needs and desires is there along with a willingness to listen, the road to marriage can be relatively smooth sailing. 


Whether you have a ring or not is a strong determinant to other people about your availability level and how committed you are to your marriage.

Although it is something simple, the fact that you are wearing your ring is a sign to other people that you are committed to your marriage and it is important to you.

When you are out in the world without your partner, others can see that your partner is always with you when they see a wedding ring. It is all the more important to your spouse to show them that you are not afraid to show your commitment when the two of you are not together. This builds more trust in the partnership and prevents misconceptions from other people. 


Respect is an important part of marriage. Many people think that love and respect can be used interchangeably, but this is not the case. While love may be the thread that binds together two people, respect is what the fibers of the thread are made of. Respect is integral to making your partner feel like they are valued. It is often not in what we say but in the small actions that we perform on a daily basis. For example, taking 2 minutes out of your busy schedule to let your partner know you will be late is a sign of respect. It shows that you think of your partner's feelings regardless of the circumstances you are in. 

Marriage is a relationship that is constant, and thus, respect should be constantly shown in many small and silent ways. The ring is one of the simplest but most profound showcases of respect to the other person. If your spouse wants you to wear the ring and it is important to them, then you will be showing them respect for their wishes and priorities by wearing your ring when they are not present. 

Fidelity And Faithfulness

When you are someone who is married and committed to your partner, your ring is a sure way of stating that you do not want others to try approaching you in an intimate manner.

Wearing a ring gives a stable line of defense for people who may be looking for someone to love. Most will not mess with you when you have a ring on as it will show others that your marriage matters to you and you are committed to your partner.

Some people who do not believe in marriage may try to divert you from wearing your ring, but if you are truly happy to be with your partner, you will wear it proudly, not just to save yourself unnecessary temptation along the way. Of course, even though a ring is just a symbol and not something that can physically stop others from approaching you, it can be enough to remind you and other people of the promise you made to your partner. 

Family Strength

If you are a parent and want to show your children the true essence and importance of marriage, wearing your ring at all times helps to demonstrate to them that your marriage matters. Children are prone to pick up on the things they see, hear and feel at home, and if their home is a place of safety and love in the form of marriage, they will be inspired and awed by this type of relationship. 

Showing children that marriage can be a beautiful experience will make them strive to create trustful and beautiful relationships in the future. Showing children what a real married couple is in private and public will give them a healthy perspective on marriage for their own future. elaborates on how the parents' relationship affects their children in many domains. Not only do parents set a model for the type of romantic relationship a child will pursue in the future, but the way parents interact with each other also dictates how children handle conflict and express their emotions. This is a big responsibility on the parents' part. 

Although a healthy marriage is much more than a ring, the ring itself is a representation of it and will give children the chance to talk about it and the marriage that it represents. By modeling a loving relationship that puts fidelity, respect and commitment above all, you give your children a strong and positive path for their future. 

There Are No Downsides

Of course, there are those people who cannot by any means wear rings or are restricted by their line of work from wearing rings. They could be allergic to metals.

But for the rest of the excuses for not wearing a ring, they can either be a matter of preference or a reason that does not support marriage. There is no downside of wearing your ring when you are truly committed to your partner and consider them in everything that you do.

If you are someone that is ready to do everything for your marriage stability, partner, and the trust between you, wearing your ring is one of the surest and simplest of ways to do it.

Do you think that wearing a wedding ring is really that important to a sustainable and stable marriage? What do you think about this topic, and what is your personal choice if you are married? Pass this on and see what your married friends think!

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