To The Girl With A Wounded Soul, It’s Time For You To Save Yourself

Jan 15, 2019

I understand where you're coming from. I've found myself in a similar situation before. I was so done with everything. It felt like I was becoming numb to life in general.

I couldn't feel happiness or sorrow. There wasn't any reason for me to keep trying. My soul was a fraction of what it used to be. I wondered how I got to this point. Why did I let myself turn into a different person? What changed inside of me? I'm tired. I couldn't answer my own questions. These thoughts were jumbled inside my head.

Finally, I figured out that I'm tired because I was giving too much of myself away. It was so bad. I felt like there was a hollow space inside of me that needed to be filled with my own love.

It's easy to give away so much of yourself that you forget to do the things that make you happy. You're too caught up trying to cheer other people up. You need to be reminded that your feelings matter too. You need to mend your broken heart.

Now, you've become so tired of acting strong. You feel like you're falling apart inside but always manage to be the strong one. You hold the weight of the world on your shoulders and never ask for assistance.

It feels like the only person who can save you is yourself. You are a tired soul because you never put your own needs first. It's too easy to look past your own needs, but you need to make time for yourself.

Allow time for your strength to rebuild itself. It's alright to turn down offers when you need to recharge. If you don't feel up to something, take that time to relax and reset. People seem to take you for granted. That's why you're a girl with a tired soul.

It's exhausting to give so much to people who never appreciate you. It's hard to pour your heart and soul into someone that doesn't think twice about it.

I've got news for you. They aren't worth your time. You want to see the best in people. It's ok. However, it stops being ok when they only show you their dark side. People will show you who they are. You just have to observe. You try to judge people based on their potential. It's essential to see who they are in this moment and not love them for who they could become. Your heart is tired of being broken. Dimitrov

You are enveloped in loneliness. In your mind, you keep saying that everything will be ok eventually. One of these days, someone will come along and accept you for who you are. They will give you everything that your heart desires. You think that they might finally give you the love that you have given to countless souls.

There's only one problem. You are tired of waiting for that person. The happiness inside of you is gone and all that's left is a tired soul. You're so exhausted by everything that it's hard to even force yourself out of bed. It hurts to smile. You're too dry to cry. It seems like this numb feeling will last forever.

I know how you feel because I have been where you are right now. It felt like an out-of-body experience. It seemed like I would never escape my fate. At the same time, I didn't care. I was numb too. Finally, I decided to save myself from my own tired soul.

I understood that the path to healing would be full of twists and turns. I decided to embark on it anyway. I remembered all the times where I gave everything to someone who was hurting. I always did everything I could to help them. It was my turn this time. If you're sick of being the girl with a tired soul, I have some tips that helped me in my time of need.

1. Find good people.

It's time to leave toxic people behind. They are poisonous to your state of mind. Whereas, surrounding yourself with positive people will enhance every aspect of your life. Take some time to appreciate all the people who truly love you.

2. Choose to accept change in your life.

Try to do something different occasionally. Go somewhere you have never been. Try a new sport or craft. This will allow you to meet new people as well. Change is a necessary part of any healthy life. Plus, it will rejuvenate your soul.

3. Your soul may feel numb and tired, but you can keep going. 

Maybe you're just existing at this point. It feels like there's no escape from your current reality. There is a way to keep going. Force yourself to do something. Show up for your life. Try to do one productive thing each day.

4. Confide in someone who can help you.

You're always the one helping others. It's important to let everything out sometimes. Let someone else carry your weight for once. Try calling up a good friend. Sometimes all your soul needs is a little deep conversation. If your friends can't help, you could consider therapy. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Professional advice could be a lifesaver. Therapists are trained to offer advice that will help heal their patients.

5. Don't forget to put your needs first. 

Don't ever feel guilty for focusing on yourself. After all, you can't help others if your soul is tired. You can still help people, but make sure to take time and recharge. Treat yourself well. You wouldn't abuse other people and run them ragged, so why are you doing that to yourself? How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you. So, show yourself some love. You just might end up saving yourself.

6. Understand that it's not your job to change the world.

You don't need to waste time trying to make others happy. Only they can do that. They may be surprised when you aren't there for them anymore because they've gotten used to it. Remember that listening to people's problems isn't the same as taking them on. You can be a good friend. Just take time to focus on your own mental health.

7. Explore ways to heal your soul.

There are a few ways to do this. If you're religious, you may find comfort in fellowship and prayer. You can also try mindful meditation. People all over the world say that it brings them a sense of calm and renewal. Spend time with nature. Just relax and observe the sights, smells, and sounds around you. Everyone has something that brings them peace. Find yours again. Your soul will begin to heal as a result.

What are your thoughts after reading this article? Do you agree with the tips given to heal yourself? What do you do to come out of a bad day or a bad decision? Your story has the power to influence others. So, do let us know your thoughts and send these suggestions to anyone you know who might need to read this article.