Tiny French Bulldog Puppy Has Defied The Odds

May 28, 2020

Auggie the French Bulldog was born to breeders and instead of putting him down like they usually do with non-sellable pups, they gave him to SNORT, a rescue organization specifically for pugs and other short-nosed dogs.

Thanks to the help of the rescue, Auggie now lives a happy life and even has made a fellow friend despite his size.

Auggie, a French bulldog, was the runt of the litter when he was born. To add to his struggles, he suffered from a cleft palate that made it difficult for him to eat and drink on his own. He couldn't nurse from his mother, and his movements were so frail that he couldn't accept a bottle or eyedropper, either.

His owner, however, refused to give up on Auggie. As a local breeder, it would've been normal for him to put Auggie down due to his special needs, but he saw an essential spark of life in the pint-sized pooch.


Instead of euthanizing him, he found the world's tiniest tube and fed Auggie through that. He also gave the pup lots of one-on-one attention to make up for the lack of nurturing from his family.

It took around three weeks, but eventually, Auggie grew strong enough that he was able to accept regular food and water. His body grew. His fun and playful personality began to emerge.

He was still small, of course. French bulldogs only grow around 10 to 12 inches, and that's as healthy adults. As a baby and a runt, Auggie was so tiny that he could fit inside of a teacup with room to spare.

However, he had a strong will to live, and he had a solid support system behind him. Once he was stable, his owner reached out to the Short Noses Only Rescue Team (SNORT), a rescue and rehabilitation organization that helps pugs, terriers, bulldogs, and other squishy-faced dogs.

SNORT put him in contact with a vet, and the vet fell in love with Auggie so much that she actually became his foster mom.

"He's about the size of a small guinea pig," she said in the Youtube video. "I usually take in their sick puppies so that I can provide around-the-clock care."

Under her careful tending, Auggie grew even stronger. He doubled in size, and he became the world's cutest and tiniest snuggler. In videos posted to social media, you can see him curled up under the chins of many different people.

"This is his happy place," she explained, laughing. "This is literally all he wants to do."

The vet says that Auggie probably has some neurological problems. He never did reach 10 to 12 inches, and he has some problems with standing, running, and jumping whenever he's feeling playful.

However, he doesn't let his physical limits stop him. He's as happy, curious and excitable as any other puppy. "Every obstacle that he's faced, he's overcome," the vet said.

What do you think of Auggie? Has he touched your heart? Do you take as much inspiration from his story as others clearly have? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to others.