Thoughtful Little Girl Donates Her Sandwich To Help Rescuers Save Scared Homeless Dog

Sep 18, 2019

Hope for Paws is an animal rescue group that is located in Los Angeles, California. In the summer or 2019, the rescue was called upon for help in rescuing a stray dog that had been loose in a neighborhood for the past two years. The caller, Rosie, was trying to find the dog a home.

Rosie, along with her neighbors, were determined to find Chaplin, the stray dog, a forever home as soon as possible. They were able to catch Chaplin and secure him to a fence in order to make it easier on the rescuers, Eldad and Loreta. When the two arrived from the organization, they approached the animal slowly and cautiously.

The poor dog was only trusting of the man who gave him food every day. He barked and cowered away from the two rescuers as they gently tried to approach him.

Finally, they were able to get a leash on him once he had calmed down a bit. They then sat with the dog for a bit to let him get used to other people. The pair were eager to give the stray a bite to eat, but they had been in such a rush to get the dog that they left without any food. Luckily, Rosie’s daughter Carla showed up with a breakfast sandwich that she was about to eat. However, she decided that Chaplin the stray needed it more than she did.

Chaplin enjoyed the sandwich and even appeared to be calmer after he had eaten. Loreta was very touched by how kind the girl was to offer her breakfast to a dog. She posted on the Facebook page of the group that having food can help gain the trust of a frightened animal. When the dog was calm enough, Eldad and Loreta began to coax him into the cage they had brought with them.

Before they left for the vet, Rosie and Carla said their final farewells. They even gave them pictures that Carla and her neighbor Brielle had drawn of the dog. Once inside, the pair brought the stray to the local vet to be checked out.

Once Chaplin was given a bath and a thorough check-up, the organization took new pictures of him. He looks as if he is a brand new dog! To learn more about his rescue, click on the video below:

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