This Teacher Is Changing His Students' Lives By Talking To Them In An Amazingly Different Way

Oct 30, 2018

You are very smart. You are a hard worker. You did a great job. Imagine your feelings if this was the way someone spoke to you each day. Well, educator Chris Ulmer is showing us all the powerful effects of compliments.

Ulmer is a special education teacher in Jacksonville, Florida. His work with special needs students caused him to become aware of how often they are ignored or overlooked. Ulmer decided to take action.

Ulmer addressed the public through an open letter entitled 'Special Books By Special Kids.' The special education teacher expressed in the letter that the children he teaches deserve love, attention, and understanding. He also said that the world should understand that it is the children that possess the correct outlook on life. Ulmer urged readers to follow the way of the children.

Chris Ulmer spends %600 a month of his own money to provide his students with a way to produce videos and blog posts. A recent video done by Ulmer went viral and was the catalyst for the open letter.

Ulmer is ecstatic with the large audience his children have reached. He implores readers of his letter to help the children continue to increase their audience by sharing their work whenever possible. Ulmer explains that it only takes a few minutes each day to gain an understanding of his children.

What was your immediate reaction to the video of Chris Ulmer complimenting his special needs students? Did it change any feelings you have for children with special needs? Allow others you know to enjoy this inspiring video. It may give them the lift needed to get through the day.