This Obese Teen Managed To Lose Over 100 Pounds In Under A Year

Nov 14, 2018

At some point in our lives, most of us will decide that it’s time to go on a diet. Maybe there’s a big special event coming up, such as a wedding. Maybe your doctor suggested it’s time to rein things in.

Clothes get tight and pictures start to look less flattering than they did in the past. Whatever the reason, the result is usually dropping a few pounds and a few clothing sizes for most of us, and it can take us a while to do so.

One teen from Australia dropped much more than a few pounds in a flash.

She dropped over half of her body weight in the span of less than a year!

Josephine Desgrand, a seventeen year old from Queensland, started her journey at 270 pounds and a size twenty.

What was her turning point to prompt her to lose weight?

Poor Josie was going through a tough bout of bullying that wound up having a negative effect on her mental and emotional health. She worried about things like not fitting into seats or having to ask for seat belt extenders. Shopping for clothing was an unpleasant task rather than a fun excursion. She was envious of her smaller friends: what they could wear and the things they could do.

After trying diet after diet and waiting for the moment when she would just feel like doing things, Josie turned to research. She looked into the effects of the food she was eating, and she was stunned.

Josie had always been a huge fan of food, literally and figuratively. Her portions were so out of control that she had her mother concerned about how much she ate and how fast she was eating as well.

The biggest change Josie made was dropping sugar from her diet. This change affected nearly everything she ate, as she found sugar was in almost everything, and it was having a terrible effect on her weight. Some studies she read even indicated that sugar is more addictive than some drugs!

Getting off of sugar was just the first step. She dropped many carbohydrates as well, and the pounds began dropping away. Less than a year later, Josie wound up weighing just 134 pounds and wearing a size 8. She and her 19 year old boyfriend Morgan Pascoe can both fit into Josie’s old outfits at the same time.

Did you find this as inspiring as we here at APost did? Pass this along to your friends and family to show that this type of amazing transformation is possible!