This Mom Sent Out A Warning After Her Son Was Bit By A Venomous Caterpillar

Aug 21, 2018

Most people are aware that there are venomous spiders and insects located in remote areas all over the world. However, many people in the United States do not consider insects that could be in their own backyard. However, one Florida mother recently opened up about a very scary incident involving her 15-year old son

On June 16, a Florida mother named Andrea Pergola shared a very scary story involving her 15-year old son, Logan. While they were just having a normal sunny afternoon summer day, the situation changed drastically when Logan came rushing into the home. He was previously outside doing some gardening and landscaping work, but described being bitten by something and suddenly feeling as if his whole arm and wrist were on fire

While he was clearly in pain, the situation suddenly got a lot worse. While Logan was in their home, a grid shaped red mark on his wrist quickly changed and soon covered his chest. This led to a very terrifying experience, which included Logan turning very white and suddenly feeling very dizzy. Not knowing what to do next, Logan’s parents quickly rushed him to the local hospital where he was attended to within 30 minutes of the bite

As soon as he was attended to, the medical staff at the hospital knew exactly what they were dealing with. Logan was apparently bitten by one of the most poisonous insects found in Florida, the Flannel Mouth Caterpillar. According to the University of Florida, this insect is one of the most dangerous found in the entire country.

The next few hours at the hospital were very scary for all people involved. Fortunately, Logan received the best treatment possible. This included an IV drip that was full of water, Benadryl, and other medications. Ultimately, he was able to pull through and was feeling much better within just a few days.

While it all ended up working out for Logan and his family, his mother still continues to issue some warnings about the situations. She believes that if this had happened to a smaller child, the situation could have been much worse. Because of this, all people need to take proper precautions when they are looking to be better taken care of. This can include being aware of your surroundings and being properly covered to prevent being bitten by any local insects.

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