This McDonald's Has Turquoise Arches And Here Is The Reason Why

Nov 30, 2018

If you've ever visited Sedona, Arizona, you know how beautiful it is. Red rocks rise up out of the earth to create awe-inspiring landscapes, sunsets turn the sky into a painted canvas, and architects design buildings to emphasize the beauty of the region.

In 1993, officials were horrified by the prospect of a McDonald's being built in their picturesque town. They didn't want to lose out on the jobs and opportunities a new restaurant would provide, but they were afraid the golden yellow arches would clash with Sedona's iconic red rocks.

Sedona officials and McDonald's came to a compromise. They painted the arches a brilliant teal color that matched the desert town's aesthetic. Instead of being an eyesore, the fast-food restaurant blended in with the landscape.

The teal arches even light up at night, making the Sedona McDonald's a popular destination for anyone searching for an Instagram worthy photo opportunity. The arches have been in place for 25 years, but they've only recently garnered the attention of the media.

Do you prefer the classic golden arches or the teal Sedona version? How would you feel if all McDonald's had different color arches? What color do you think the arches at your local McDonald's should be? Ask your friends to find out their opinions!