This Is Your Life Motto Based On Your Astrological Sign

May 24, 2019

Mottos (or slogans as they are sometimes called) have many uses; organizations like the Boy Scouts employ them, they can sometimes entitle a book, and they are often the driving force of successful companies. Microsoft's motto, for instance, is "Your Potential. Our Passion."

Individuals often take them on for encouragement and inspiration. A life motto that coincides with your zodiac sign can be one that suits you and your unique personality and can enrich your life. See which motto matches your zodiac sign...


"Boundaries to freedom are intolerable."

(January 20-February 18) You are first and foremost a free spirit without boundaries or limits. Should anyone try to stop you, they will soon learn there is nothing they can do to hold you back. Sometimes you find it necessary to distance yourself in relationships so as not to give anyone a chance to even try to limit you. You are always moving and never stagnant. The worst thing a partner can do is try to entrap you. You will run all the faster away to preserve your freedom.


"Imagination is life."

(February 19-March 20) What you do may not always seem logical to others since your goals are often so lofty. This is a result of your boundless imagination, allowing you to see your future as fancifully as you wish to create it. If logic is going to seep in as a deterrent to achieving any goal you set, your passion and depth of emotion which make you who you are, will serve to compensate for what may have at first looked unreasonable to others. The ocean itself has no greater depth than your exciting imagination.


"Perseverance is the single, most important part of survival."

(March 21-April 19) Obstacles to your success have no place in your world. They're merely welcome challenges to overcome that make life interesting. You have no fear of plunging head-first into any situation because you know that there is nothing to stop you. Even if met with daunting challenges, you will tackle them with all your might, never relenting for a moment.


"Hard work is as much pleasure in itself as it rewards with pleasure."

(April 20-May 20) You luxuriate in the comfort of good friends who share your passionate dreams and respect your hard work to achieve them. You love pleasure, and you even love the work that affords you the pleasure. You surround yourself with people who give you satisfaction and make you feel secure, those who spur you to new heights.


"There is no such thing as personal happiness unless it's universal."

(May 21-June 20) Your love of people is unmatched by any other sign of the zodiac. It's not just your close circle of friends from so many different backgrounds who you love and for whom you wish happiness, but you genuinely care about the happiness of everyone you meet. You want to surround them with love, radiating happiness to all who come in contact with you. It is what makes you fulfilled.


"There is nothing as accurate as acute intuition.”

(June 21-July 22) As long as you don’t let your heart’s emotions take over your mind’s capacity to weigh in the facts, your brain and heart, working together, already know well what others are still learning. What others are grappling to find out, your intuition already knows well.


"Go for all the gusto life has to offer."

(July 21-August 22) You never shy away from drama. It's part of what makes life so awesome to you. You put everything you have into everything you think, do and say. Spurred by your undaunted ego, nothing stops you from getting the most enjoyment out of life, from the simplest pleasures to the most coveted indulgences.


"Be driven, daring and undaunted."

(August 23-September 22) Your mind works like a computer. The input you give it results in directly achieving the exact result you expect. No one and nothing can convince you that you are not going to realize even the loftiest goal you have set for yourself. Those who try to discourage you, and tell you that you will fail only serve to push you even harder to prove them wrong.


"Harmony is everything that matters."

(September 23-October 22) You know that nothing can be stable and harmonious unless it is perfectly balanced. You constantly strive to achieve a balance between work and play, friends and family, and even your checkbook. Your attention-seeking proclivity is balanced by your equal attempts to engage those with whom you interact. You know that when life is in harmony, nothing can ever go too wrong, and if it ever does get the least bit rough, you'll be sure to spring it right back into balance.


"Extreme situations may call for extreme measures."

(October 23-November 21) A Scorpio is not beyond using the scorpion's sting in situations where it is warranted. Calculating to use it when it is least expected increases its effectiveness for either keeping or regaining the upper-hand that is so important to you.


"Every moment of life is a part of an awesome adventure."

(November 22-December 21) You have little time or patience for anything that does not increase your knowledge of the world around you. You want to experience it all, and the thrill of risk excites you. You're always ready to entertain with stories of your remarkable exploits.


"Give it your all, no matter what may stand in your way."

(December 22-January 19) Your optimism is never dampened by life's bumps and barriers. No matter what, you forge ahead with every bit of energy you can muster to achieve your goals. Your extreme ability to focus is envied by many who find focusing difficult.

Which life motto is yours? Pass this article on to your friends to find out their's too.