This Is What It Means If You See Butterflies Frequently

Jul 25, 2018

Butterflies aren't just beautiful and delicate. They're also believed to carry hidden meanings. Some say they are a message from heaven. Other people believe it's a signal from someone you love who's passed away. If butterflies are appearing in your dreams, or even in your day-to-day life, watch out. They hold a special symbolism for your life.

1. Everything Is About To Change

There are several reasons butterflies may appear to you. They are especially likely to show up when you're going through some changes. In this case, butterflies can symbolize a two different things. They can be here to reassure you or push you into making a decision. Don't feel worried about this. Noticing a butterfly means that you have the inner confidence to push forward. After all, change is inevitable and it's best to just roll with the punches.

2. You Should Feel Free

Butterflies are able to float along freely. So should you! When a butterfly appears, it's a reminder to just let go. Whether that's trauma from the past, or a bad relationship, you should feel able to leave that baggage behind. Trust that you're able to do so. Now you can fly through life as happily as a butterfly. Push beyond your self-imposed limits. You never know what you can accomplish or what exciting thing is going to come along.

3. Live As Fully As Possible

Butterflies don't live for very long. Most of them will die after a mere week. Even monarchs, one of the most recognizable species, only live for six months. Seeing a butterfly is a gentle signal to take advantage of every opportunity. Say "yes" as often as possible. Live without regret. Be open to new experiences and relationships and enjoy the journey. Embrace moments both small and large, because they may not come through again!

4. Appreciate The Beauty Of Life

Butterflies are one of the most lovely creatures out there. However, even the butterfly doesn't start out beautiful. It must grow as a caterpillar before entering the pupal phase and finally emerging successful. This represents the process of exploring one's inner thoughts and feelings. We, too, must enter a sort of "pupal phase" before emerging happy with ourselves. Growing up and embracing the struggles of life is important. It shows that you are mature, just like a fluttering butterfly. You've shed any uncomfortable or unnecessary qualities and are ready to get more out of life.

Take heart if you seem to be noticing butterflies everywhere! Become still and reflective. Consider what they may be trying to tell you.

Show this to a friend so they can know what to look out for as well!