This Is How To Control A Gout Pain Attack, According To Doctors

Aug 10, 2018

Over 8 million people currently suffer from gout. Swollen joints are just one symptom of gout. Pain accompanies these swollen joints, causing immeasurable discomfort for many people. Very important people have been victims of gout. From athletes to politicians, people are doing very great things because they are able to control the pain that comes from gout. There are a variety of ways to get your pain under control, leading to a better quality of life, even potentially killing the symptoms all together.

Weight Control

Controlling your weight is one of the best ways to get your gout pain under control. Weight gain is effective at this for a simple reason: its less stress for your joints. Losing weight also helps in a more important way. If someone is overweight, their body produces more insulin, which slows down the elimination of uric acid. Uric acid is one of the direct causes of gout.

Look At Your Family History

Gout is often passed down through genetics. If someone in your family had it you may get it too. This won't allow you to stop the development of gout, but it will give you a hint on whether or not gout will manifest. Knowing if your family has a history of gout will allow you to prepare for the painful disease.

Change Your Diet

Even if you aren't overweight, changing your diet can still benefit your health. Seafood and red meat are some of the biggest causes of gout. A byproduct of these two food types is uric acid, and as previously mentioned, uric acid is what causes gout. If you already have gout, try to cut down on alcohol and drinks that use fructose.

Positive Additions To The Diet

Just like there are things you can cut out of your diet to improve gout there are things you can add to your diet as well. Cherries are one of the best choices someone with gout can make. One particular study claims that eating cherries can reduce the change of an upcoming gout attack by 35%. Drinking more water can help prevent a gout attack too. When you stay hydrated, you are flushing dangerous toxins from the body. Uric acid and many other harmful toxins are flushed by the kidneys when you drink water.

Getting your gout under control doesn't have to be difficult. These simple life-style changes can get you well on your way to improving your way of life. Making these changes can be a difficult process.

The best way to commit to these changes is by working together with someone else. If you have someone close to you that also has gout, you can tell them about this article. Committing together can be a great way to make sure you stick to your plan.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!