This Incredible 75-Year-Old Bodybuilding Grandma Has Just Revealed Her "Nude Food" Diet

Aug 23, 2018

 Bodybuilding is the last thing that people expect a 75-year-old woman to be doing, but that's exactly what Janice does. She has won multiple awards since she started at 55. A 75-year-old bodybuilder has continuously shown the world that all things are possible, including being a star bodybuilder at post-retirement age.

While some people her age were struggling just to walk without help, Janice Lorraine was winning bodybuilding awards left and right. This woman has so far won awards for Ms. Olympia, Ms. Universe and Ms. World.

That's amazing for somebody who only started bodybuilding when she turned 55, and it should be a huge inspiration for older women. Such women should realize that life is far from over, and a lot of amazing things are possible.

Janice was not always interested in bodybuilding. It wasn't until she was 55 years old and saw another woman struggling to walk with no assistance that she got the idea. The older woman's strength and determination pushed Janice to want to get in shape, get muscular and get healthy so that she could be strong and mobile for the rest of your years.

Shortly after she had her revelation, she went down to the neighborhood male-dominated weight room and started resistance training. She said she chose that method of training because she heard that it would be effective in preventing osteoporosis and improving bone density.

Her diet had a lot to do with her ability to gain muscle and see results so quickly.

She eats a very lean and protein-packed diet. Her choices for protein include food such as grilled steak, chicken and fish.

She indulges in one piece of chocolate-free sugar and one glass of wine in the evening. She has one biscuit a day as well. Her diet seems to work just nicely because she has been steadily losing weight and gaining lots of muscle mass.

Janice also has a pretty tight exercise routine that she developed and that works really well for her. She trains six days a week, and she works out different things on different days. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays consist of back leg raises, tricep pushes, full push-ups and 8 km walks. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, she dedicates herself to the major muscle groups in her body.

When someone asks Janice why she developed these routines at such a late age and why she was competing, she could only give an honest answer: she wanted to give an inkling of hope to women her age. She wanted to reassure them that their lives weren't over, and they can still do something phenomenal like what she did. Pass on Janice's incredible and moving philosophy to your loved ones and family to inspire them.

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