This Helpful Dog Greets Restaurant-Goers And Helps The Owner Clean Up After Closing

Oct 01, 2018

Good help can sometimes be hard to find in the restaurant business. Luckily for this Korean restaurant owner, he didn't have to look far! He has been using his dog Hanuel as a faithful server for seven years.

Hanuel is clearly the perfect choice. This video shows just how well-behaved she is. Notice how she actually bows as soon as a customer comes in. Even her puppies have gotten in on the action. But that's not all.

She trots up to each customer with a menu in her mouth. Hanuel will even bring them a basket of wet towels to help them clean up before a meal.

This dog is "paid" with any tips the owner gets. She brings them to her trashcan piggy bank. It appears that Hanuel has some pretty good earnings.

Hanuel is extremely responsive to her customers' needs. She will give them a remote if they want the music adjusted. She will also restock the cup supply for the coffee machine.

Her work doesn't end when the restaurant closes, either. Now it's clean up time! Hanuel notices the rubbish left behind. She trots over to the trash can (a different one than her piggy bank!) in order to throw it away. She will also pick up the utensils that have been dropped under the tables and then bring them to her owner. The customers are surprised that she does this, too. Her owner explains that Hanuel knows that customers use these utensils and wants to dispose of them properly.

Hanuel is still happy after a long day of work. She has been very productive and helpful. Her owner is equally satisfied. After all, he has the perfect assistant. Dogs can be hard to train, but it looks like he has done a good job with Hanuel!

What do you think of Hanuel's great service? What would you do if you walked into a restaurant and your waiter was a dog? Let us know in the comments and pass this heartwarming story along to a dog lover you know!