This Guy Made a Hilarious Video Showing What Moms Are Really Like, And It Is Freakin' Spot On

Apr 05, 2019

Trey Kennedy is a comedian, and he has built his career on creating different types of hilarious videos that are pleasing to many audiences. One of his most recent videos was a spoof about mom.

Everyone from children to parents will enjoy this hilarious video. The clip that he shared on Facebook was titled "Moms", and the clip instantly went viral.

At the start, he was talking about how his nonexistent kids really needed to pull their grades up. After all, an 89 average was simply inexcusable. From there, he didn't waste any time diving into mom-isms that we have all encountered in our lifetime, either from our moms or our friends' moms.

He went into the classic obsessions of moms like how moms agree that men "can never find anything", especially when they ask them to.

He went into how splashing water out of the bathtub can get a rise out of some moms to moms screaming into the phone about different things. Every part of the video was hilarious, and no one can watch it without loosing their sanity to laughter at least once.

In the end, it really makes you realize how much you have to love moms. Tell all of your friends about Trey and his hilarious comedian act, and let them be the judge if his mom scenarios are as funny as we think they are!