This Footage Of A Sheep Stuck In A Tire Tube, Swinging And Trying To Escape It, Is Making The Internet Giggle

Nov 23, 2018

Who doesn't like sheep? They're sweet and gentle, and their soft wool makes them one of the most beloved farm animals in existence. What you may be surprised to learn is that sheep -- including the one in this video -- have a silly streak to them as well.

While it was out and about this sheep decided that it wanted to be adventurous, and it decided that it wanted to jump through a tire swing that was in the vicinity. Sadly the little guy couldn't make it all the way through and managed to get himself stuck. 

The farmer eventually freed him, but he decided to take the opportunity to film the moment for the enjoyment of others. After all, it's not every day that you see such a goofy sight.

It is quite the sight to behold. The sheep tries to escape, but he just can't seem to get it He will try to run off in a certain direction, only to then swing back into place helplessly. As he desperately works to free himself, his fellow sheep all just look at him, unsure of what their friend has got himself into. They're as confused as the farmer.

The farmer didn't know what the sheep was doing, but he knew this was simply too good to pass up. After filming the wonderfully funny clip, he released the sheep from his rubber prison so that he could run off and join the other sheep in freedom.

Be sure to watch the clip, and feel free to send it to everyone you know so that they can enjoy this sheep's antics as well. Don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments as well!